Posts by Wellness Editor

One type of cancer receives minimal attention despite this sad fact: Every hour, one person dies from oral cancer. Oral cancer typically strikes those over age 40, with men more than twice as likely to get the diagnosis. Risks include tobacco use, excess drinking, facial sun exposure, and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. White or red patches in our mouths, problems chewing or swallowing, and lip...
11/7/2021 8:00:00 AM
Feel a little down during the darker months? You’re not alone. Up to 26% of the population suffers from seasonal depression. The “winter blues,” which is usually mild and short-lived, is responsible in some cases but many are the result of a more severe form of the condition: seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.The winter blues and SAD both come on around the same time of year, but SAD can be far more...
11/6/2021 8:00:00 AM
A new study found that optimistic people are more likely to achieve exceptional longevity, living to 85 years of age or older, than their pessimistic counterparts. Moreover, additional studies have pointed out that optimistic people are both happier and healthier in life. The moral of the story? Science says it’s better to look at the bright side in difficult situations. Doing so can help us to navigate...
11/4/2021 8:00:00 AM
Our immune system is our defense system against illnesses. We're pretty defenseless against the winter crud on our own. Without the immune system, we would catch every cold, flu and infection that crossed our paths. And then we'd have them indefinitely — or die from them. In fact, a simple virus could take our lives if it weren’t for the valiant efforts of the immune system. That’s why it’s so important...
11/2/2021 8:00:00 AM
Chronic pain can have devastating long-term effects on a person. It can derail even the most well-planned of days, and in some people, it can lead to crushing depression and anxiety. Painkillers can lead to even worse problems from side effects to addiction to rebound pain, making treatment complicated. But new approaches may have some exciting breakthroughs to offer. Antiepileptic Medications A class...
10/29/2021 8:00:00 AM
When it comes to pandemics, societies tend to focus on an exterior, pathogenic cause. Viruses, bacteria, and other environmental contaminants dominate the imagination. But there’s another pandemic our modern society doesn’t often consider: the indoor pandemic. What is the indoor pandemic? It’s the modern human’s tendency to live and work primarily indoors, away from the natural sunlight our ancestors...
10/26/2021 4:00:00 AM
Plastic containers have been shown to have destructive effects on the human body. The chemical, bisphenol A (BPA), in particular, has been called out for a host of negative health consequences. In light of that news, companies began advertising "BPA-free" plastics. However, the chemical they often use instead of BPA, a chemical called bisphenol S (BPS), has now been shown to be just as harmful. But...
10/21/2021 8:00:00 AM
Lack of sleep is a major health problem in this country. According to the CDC, almost 70 million people suffer from sleep problems. Sleepiness can lead to depression, obesity and even danger while driving. It's turning into a health emergency, but there's one solution that most people have never even heard about.If you're one of the millions of people suffering from insomnia, you've probably tried...
10/20/2021 8:00:00 AM
The reality of organ transplants has made the process an ordeal for the thousands of people who have been unfortunate enough to need them. Some sobering details:- On average, 22 people die everyday while waiting for an organ. - In order to get an organ transplant, a person's blood type, tissue type, and other factors all have to match up, leading some to have to wait longer than others. - Over 119,000...
10/19/2021 8:00:00 AM
Beets have earned a reputation as being a very healthy food. They have an impressive nutritional profile and offer many health benefits. Beets are high in the essential minerals potassium and manganese, the B vitamin folate, immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber, vitamin B6 and betaine. Once you learn a little more, you just might be ready to pour yourself a glass of beet juice!Just Some of The Many Benefits...
10/14/2021 8:00:00 AM