Posts by Wellness Editor

Autoimmune conditions are some of the most complex and intricate challenges that can strike a person's health. Because these systems are incredibly complex and interwoven into every system of the body, the results of each autoimmune condition are likewise incredibly complex. And researchers have long struggled to pin them down as a result. They do know that certain issues seem to spark microscopic...
12/3/2021 9:00:00 AM
Many have started to realize that our guts are complex biological systems filled with trillions of microscopic residents. This diverse array of bacteria live in cooperation with our bodies, working to keep our systems balanced and functioning—and in return, we offer them a place to live.Experts have warned for some time now that antibiotics can have harmful impacts on our gut health, but now they’re...
12/2/2021 9:00:00 AM
Pain is a normal part of life. It lets us know when we’re in danger of harming ourselves, and it warns us when something is going wrong in our bodies. Researchers are studying a rare genetic mutation that has left one woman virtually incapable of perceiving pain, and it may hold the key to the future in pain management.Researchers in England are studying a Scottish woman who has a set of rare genetic...
11/28/2021 9:00:00 AM
Bacteria can influence our bodies in ways even experts still struggle to understand. Invaders can ravage a system, some attacking with such speed and fury that they can overwhelm and kill their hosts despite all efforts to stop them. In some cases, the damage and waste products bacteria leave behind could be equally as devastating. They might even contribute to many different autoimmune and neurodegenerative...
11/27/2021 9:00:00 AM
Researchers have seen an unsettling new trend: Colon cancer is striking people at younger ages. As a result, the American Cancer Society recently updated its guidelines for colon and rectal cancer prevention, now advising that all people begin routine screening at 45, as reported by CNN. Previous guidelines recommended that people begin screening at 50. Deadly TrendColon and rectal cancers are the...
11/22/2021 9:00:00 AM
Millions of people have trouble getting their day started without that first cup of coffee. There’s nothing like the smell of coffee to awaken the senses first thing in the morning. As it turns out, coffee might do more for you than just get you up and moving. In fact, according to recent studies, it’s possible that the health benefits may actually prolong your life.Studies in Favor of CoffeeThe Multiethnic...
11/18/2021 9:00:00 AM
With so many viruses like the cold and flu and still the coronavirus making its way through so many households, calling in sick is increasingly common. But with a paycheck and career on the line, many people are uncertain when to call in sick or if they should just ride it out. We've got you. Stay Home If You’re Contagious Experiencing a headache, body aches, cough, sneezing, vomiting, fever or sweats?...
11/16/2021 9:00:00 AM
Skeeter syndrome has a funny-sounding name, but the condition can be serious. This condition may cause swelling and blisters, and it increases the risk of infection. Most of us have minor reactions when a mosquito bites us. But people with skeeter syndrome have severe allergic reactions to mosquito bites. Let's take a closer look at the syndrome and talk about the symptoms and treatment What Is Skeeter...
11/12/2021 9:00:00 AM
The CDC estimates that nearly 5.5 million adults in the United States have autism. But while most of us associate autism with children, the fact is that there are likely millions of autistic adults both diagnosed and as yet undiagnosed. Some people receive late diagnoses, and others don’t receive any diagnosis at all. We have a few tips on what to do if you’re an adult who believes your autism undiagnosed...
11/10/2021 9:00:00 AM
Is brain degeneration avoidable? This may be the most important health question we ever try to answer in our lifetime. One that affects over 1 billion of the world’s population. You may find this hard to believe, but many brain diseases are caused by only 2 or 3 core issues. They are not random. They don’t just happen.What if the cure for top brain disorders and an overall healthier brain is outside...
11/9/2021 9:00:00 AM