Posts by Wellness Editor

The brain is, without a doubt, our most valuable asset. It houses our personality, defines who we are and allows us to navigate the world. We want to preserve as much of it as possible, but we may also have multiple hurdles working against us. Genetic issues and neurodegenerative diseases can significantly affect our mental functioning.We still have more power than we may realize, though, and some...
12/29/2021 6:00:00 AM
When you're in a restaurant, you’ll often hear people ask for “water with lemon please." Do they drink that because the lemon adds a nice flavor to their tasteless beverage? Or do they drink it because they know something that most people don’t?It turns out that there are many health benefits of adding lemon to warm water, ranging from clearer skin to possibly preventing cancer. Here are 12 reasons...
12/25/2021 6:00:00 AM
Our moods are dependent on a combination of factors, only some of which are within our immediate control. Yet we all want to feel good. Experts have found that the foods we eat often play a role in our emotional health, and the meal choices we make each day can directly impact how grounded we feel. Here are five foods that may help boost mood. The Importance of Eating the Right Foods We really are...
12/23/2021 6:00:00 AM
1 in 3 people get heart disease and when they find out about it---it’s often too late. Heart disease is a mostly preventable disease and nothing stops you from taking steps to avoid or even reverse the risks right now. The following 3 tips are the best known ways you can avoid a heart attack, or worse -- death.1. Be Active, Stay Active.Maintaining an active lifestyle that includes exercising on a regular...
12/13/2021 9:00:00 AM
If you are like most people, you take vitamins and supplements at certain times during your day. On the surface, swallowing a multivitamin every day makes sense. We all want to stay healthy and we're concerned that our meals do not provide enough nutrition. But the more you learn about multivitamins, the less likely you might be to blindly swear by them. Could you be wasting your money? It really depends...
12/10/2021 9:00:00 AM
While many essential oils are great for many uses around the home, there is none more versatile than orange essential oil. If you’re seeking a safe and natural solution for your common household needs, look no further! From kitchens to furniture, these five ways to use this essential oil only represent a few of its uses, but are great ways to start using oils for a healthier and happier home.1. Get...
12/9/2021 9:00:00 AM
Exercising can be hard to fit into a tight schedule, and with so many other demands taking up our free time, many of us feel like we need a way to burn some extra calories. We went looking for ways to burn calories without exercising. And found some great results. Get the details below on how you can burn calories without exercising, too. Take a Hot Bath People who enjoy a good, hot soak have one more...
12/7/2021 9:00:00 AM
Have you heard of revenge bedtime procrastination yet? Consider this: It’s late, really late. A reasonable bedtime has come and gone, and yet, the idea of retiring for the night feels like such a drag. After a long, frustrating day, what’s another 20 minutes on social media, online shopping or Hulu? We deserve it, right?Yeah, we might not feel so forgiving of ourselves when morning finally rolls around,...
12/7/2021 9:00:00 AM
Maybe it’s a mottled brownish spot of skin that’s changed size or color, or a mole that’s suddenly become uneven and asymmetric. And suddenly you're worried. Maybe we have skin that developed new coloration ranging from white, pink, and red to bluish-black. Skin cancer is a serious health concern, and it doesn’t discriminate. Anyone, at any age, can be affected. Let me say that again: anyone can get...
12/7/2021 9:00:00 AM
Looking at our ancestors can teach us a lot about where we’ve come from and how much we’ve changed. We modern humans might not be quite the same beings we were millennia ago, but we’ve also remained unchanged in many ways.Archeologists have worked painstakingly to piece together human history, and much of their research depends on remains left behind by our predecessors. Even ancient waste can offer...
12/6/2021 9:00:00 AM