Many people want thick tresses or long, lustrous locks, but unfortunately, genetics and lifestyle choices often derail these goals. Moisturizing shampoos and strand-smoothing styling products may help improve hair’s appearance, but surface treatments can only do so much.Sometimes it’s difficult to get the hair we want no matter how often we deep condition or schedule regular trims. Genetics can leave...
2/7/2020 8:00:00 AM
Electric lighting has become such a part of modern society that it’s easy to overlook the dangers it can present. We’ve become a 24-hour world with cities that don’t sleep and skylines that never get the chance to see the stars — and it turns out that the effects of all this light on human and animal health can be devastating.Light pollution disrupts our natural sleep cycle, altering levels of melatonin...
2/7/2020 8:00:00 AM
Poor sleep quality can affect more than work performance the ability to safely maneuver a car. A lack of good, restful sleep could also interfere with intimate relationships. In fact, it can wreak havoc on that relationship. We've got to learn how to improve our sleep routines so we're less likely to start an argument, more likely to stay in shape, less likely to hold a grudge, and even more likely...
2/5/2020 8:00:00 AM
Finding the right type of exercise is about more than getting the maximum calories burned; you also want a workout that suits your personal needs. It seems like there are two options: cardio or weights. Rumor has it that we need cardio to lose weight but that building muscle is important in the long term for maintaining that weight loss and overall health. Well, maybe we don't have to choose. rowing...
2/4/2020 6:01:36 PM
Many people claim tea enhances the brain’s performance and keeps this essential organ healthy. These claims were once considered anecdotal, but recent research reveals that tea may actually have positive benefits on the brain. Whether you want to fend off dementia or boost your mood, a warm cup of tea may be just what's needed.Tea warms you up on a chilly day, but it may also be a mood booster and...
2/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
We tend to think that migraines are always painful, rendering us horizontal and keeping the sufferer there for hours. But that's not always the case. There are several types of migraines and not all of them include painful headaches.In addition to the common and well-known migraine headache, people can suffer from menstrual migraines, hemiplegic migraines, ocular migraines, visual migraines and abdominal...
2/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
While the preferred media varies among age groups, with older people listening to the radio and younger people preferring YouTube and Spotify, music remains a favorite pastime for people of all ages. On average, Americans listen to a little more than 150 minutes of music each day. If you’re not already doing so, you may want to increase your listening time. You see, not only is it fun, listening to...
2/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
There’s a club with a primary focus of helping adults of all ages to get fit, stay fit, and age gracefully. With both fitness, friendly competition, and companionship at its center, many swear by this club as their favorite place to spend time. It's for adult swimmers of all ability levels, and it can turn fitness into a regular social event. Interested in getting involved? Here’s everything you need...
2/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
Would it shock you to learn that each year, up to 100 people die from shoveling snow, and thousands more are injured? It sure surprised us. This is according to the National Safety Council. From pulled muscles and broken bones to heart attacks and head injuries, snow shoveling is a dangerous household chore. But it doesn’t have to be. If you understand the risks and practice snow-shoveling safety,...
2/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
Antibiotics have changed the face of infection treatment, making many diseases that were once death sentences — the bubonic plague, for example — frequently treatable. But now, antibiotic resistance threatens to turn the tables once again, with superbugs rising to wreak havoc on unsuspecting populations.Antibiotics are important in the treatment of numerous infections, but overuse has led to strains...
1/31/2020 8:00:00 AM