Posts by Wellness Editor

Hot flashes, sudden episodes of intense warmth, blushing and sweating, are one the most recognized hallmarks of menopause. And they make some people truly miserable. In the most severe cases, hot flashes can affect quality of life as they may cause sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression, says The North American Menopause Society. There are treatments for hot flashes, but many are not successful...
3/13/2020 7:00:00 AM
It may seem like we conquered smoking and it's not a problem anymore but 14 of every 100 adults in the United States are smokers. Of those, nearly 7 in every 10 smokers dream of quitting for good because smoking is a surefire way to deeply challenge a person's health. As difficult of a feat as it is, quitting is possible, maybe more than ever before. Even if it takes a few tries, every attempt is a...
3/12/2020 7:00:00 AM
A likely underdiagnosed disease, auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), could be destroying the livers of many more than we previously thought. This condition occurs in both men and women. While anyone can have ABS, those with diabetes and bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s and short-bowel syndrome, are more susceptible. Obesity may also be a contributing factor. The condition is caused by gut bacteria and can...
3/12/2020 7:00:00 AM
Bodies go through substantial changes as we age. We lose muscle, bone density and the collagen under our skin. We get slower and very often, shorter. While all of this is happening there is also one thing that continues to increase: fat. After the age of 30, the amount of fat on the body steadily increases. Without intervention, most people are likely to continue putting on weight until they reach...
3/11/2020 7:00:00 AM
Reading a good book can provide entertainment and relaxation, but it also turns out that it can be good for the brain, too. Reading changes the way we visualize and process information, ranging from identifying important facts to allowing us to better recognize people's faces. Since reading is relatively new in the grand scheme of things, with humans only inventing the act a few thousand years ago,...
3/11/2020 7:00:00 AM
Doctors and non-medical experts alike have debated over the details for decades, with some researchers even fighting over whether it’s an actual syndrome. No matter how it's defined, or whether it's believable to some or not, it's evident that chemical sensitivity makes modern life incredibly challenging. We have the details on what it is, what it does and what you can do about it.People with chemical...
3/5/2020 10:38:19 PM
Body mass index (BMI) can be a helpful tool in determining some aspects about health, but it has its limitations. The measurement isn’t always accurate about estimating weight, especially in individuals who are particularly muscular or lacking in muscle tone. BMI calculations aren’t very reliable when it comes to predicting diabetes and heart disease, either. There are much better measurements for...
3/4/2020 8:00:00 AM
During viral outbreaks, we are reminded of how vulnerable we can be as a community on both a local and a global basis. Reactions to viruses have brought entire cities to a screeching halt, closed schools, shut down production lines and cleaned off store shelves. But not everyone has the ability to shelter in place until the threat passes. If you or someone you love is among those who must commute outside...
3/3/2020 8:00:00 AM
Ranked as the second-leading activity in terms of growth in the U.S., swimming is one of the top activities that people record in their activity tracker indexes, says The Spruce. Why is swimming so popular? It’s one of the best exercises you can do — and it’s fun!Swimming is one of the best exercises you can do to get in shape. Not only does it burn an insane amount of calories, but swimming also improves...
3/2/2020 8:00:00 AM
Glucose testing strips. Pricked fingers. Prescription medications. Insulin injections. Restricted diets. If you have diabetes, you’re probably tired of the day-to-day that comes with living with it. Well, we have good news. Until recently, scientists did not realize there was any relationship between the level of vitamin A in your body and diabetes --- but a recent breakthrough could change everything.The...
2/28/2020 8:00:00 AM