Posts by Wellness Editor

Wellness Tip: Look to your spice rack for relief from osteoarthritis pain. They block the release of the neurotransmitter Substance P, which inflames joints and transmits pain impulses. Sprinkle cayenne into food dishes or apply it to painful areas with a capsaicin cream containing cayenne extract. Cook with fresh ginger root or take a ginger supplement— up to 2 grams per day in divided doses. Turmeric...
4/15/2020 7:00:00 AM
Looking to avoid harsh cleaners while still protecting the family against the novel coronavirus? You might be tempted to stick with a natural product, or even straight vinegar, to avoid the chemicals in traditional cleaners. But it’s important to make sure the cleaners you’re using are actually doing the job. Are vinegar and “green” cleaners enough to fight off COVID-19?It’s important to keep your...
4/13/2020 4:43:17 PM
Many US residents are anxious to know when the quarantine and stay-at-home orders will come to an end. Right now, the answers appear vague, at best. The timeframe will depend on how fast we can stop the coronavirus from spreading, and whether we can avoid a resurgence after the first wave ends. So we wondered, how likely is a resurgence? The virus’s pattern in China may offer some clues.China’s numbers...
4/13/2020 7:00:00 AM
How often are you washing your hands these days? Most of us have found ourselves hitting the sink or the sanitizer far more often than we used to, and some people are realizing how much damage all that scrubbing can do to their hands. Have your hands become dry, cracked or even started bleeding? Have you developed red spots or itchy patches? Most people are over-washing their hands to prevent the spread...
4/13/2020 7:00:00 AM
In 2018, U.S. consumers spent $5.6 billion on skincare products in their relentless quest for smooth, youthful, radiant skin. The most common skin issues, for both men and women, include acne, wrinkles, puffiness, dullness, dry skin and pigment issues. While skincare products may work fine, many of us may not actually need them. Many skin conditions can also be tackled by a quick habit that’s absolutely...
4/7/2020 4:49:59 PM
Anyone who has bouts of temporary or chronic anxiety is not alone. Millions of people suffer from anxiety, due to either situational, physical, physiological or mental health challenges. Some people deal with their anxiety as best they can, on their own, others see a doctor, who might prescribe a drug such as Valium, Xanax or an anti-depressant. These drugs might do well at reducing the more immediate...
4/7/2020 7:00:00 AM
You may have read the reports discussing ibuprofen use with the coronavirus, and if so, you might have also noticed there’s a lot of conflicting info going around. Is ibuprofen dangerous to take if you’re fighting the coronavirus? What if you took it in the week or two before you got sick? We dug deep to find the source of the original reports, and we found that the truth to the matter might be a little...
4/7/2020 7:00:00 AM
Each year, approximately 700,000 people undergo LASIK surgery to improve their vision. For the most part, LASIK is safe and successful, about 96% to 98% achieve 20/20 vision or better. However, there are complications and side effects associated with the procedure, many of which are unknown or are downplayed so they catch people off guard when they do crop up. This has led to the formation of several...
4/7/2020 7:00:00 AM
Tattoos can be a fun and personal form of self-expression, remembrance, and more, but they can also come with their own potential hazards. Some people are at higher risk of serious health issues than others, but anyone can develop an allergy or infection. Some inks may even be toxic. Let's get fully informed before we take the plunge whether this is the first time or the twentieth. Risk of Infection...
4/6/2020 6:59:08 PM
We, humans, tend to be extremely social — thriving in a structured society and growing and advancing through our interactions. Most of us, even introverts, feel happier with at least some socializing in our lives. And this mental-health boost is too often ignored or underrated. It’s important that we feed our social needs despite the current isolation of quarantine and social-distancing.We’re more...
4/6/2020 6:06:40 PM