You’d think a fat-burning, energy-boosting diet would make you feel healthy enough to take on the world. So why do some people feel downright crummy during their first week on a ketogenic diet? The “keto flu” could be to blame.Some people say they experience about a week of irritability, headaches, nausea, brain fog, constipation, dizziness and insomnia after beginning a ketogenic diet. The “keto flu”...
3/27/2020 7:00:00 AM
The COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic may be the most frightening thing many of us have seen in our lifetimes. The United States now leads the world in cases and there is little sign of a slowdown anytime soon. Casualties are mounting by the day, and in some places, the response is lagging far behind where the experts say we need to be. Wellness has been covering the pandemic in ways that are meant to...
3/27/2020 7:00:00 AM
It seems like wildfires get worse every year and as we are staring down the barrel at summer now in the northern hemisphere, we should probably prepare for another wildfire season. At times, it’s almost as if half the world is on fire, between pandemics, earthquakes, and more. But smoke-season can be a serious health threat, so we're here to help you prepare. You might not be able to avoid every seasonal...
3/26/2020 9:30:47 PM
The incidence of colorectal cancer is on the rise. We've all heard that before but what many don't know is that this is especially true among younger people. In fact, the numbers are startling. Those born in 1990 are twice as likely to develop colon cancer and four times as likely to develop rectal cancer than those born in 1950, according to the American Cancer Society. As a result, more people under...
3/26/2020 8:01:48 PM
It might seem like a bizarre connection, but a common mouth germ could be responsible for more than just bad breath. It may be one more puzzle piece in understanding why and how Alzheimer’s disease forms.The bacteria that causes bad breath and gingivitis, the same mouth germ that can cause endocarditis if it travels to the heart, may now be implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown the...
3/26/2020 7:00:00 AM
".. too much activity can create stress for both kids and adults "Wellness Tip: Planned activities can help kids learn, grow, and develop. But too much activity can create stress for both kids and adults. When kids' entire days are planned, rushing from one activity to the next, there is no time to for them to just be what they are - kids. Giving kids free time to make their own choices allows them...
3/25/2020 7:00:00 AM
Be honest: How many times have you checked Facebook today? If you’re like 51% of Facebook users, the answer is “multiple times.” More than 4 out of 10 people also check Snapchat and Instagram several times per day, and the average adult racks up nearly 2.5 hours of daily social media time. Dedicating this much time to the online world can make us less productive, and it may even cause issues with our...
3/25/2020 7:00:00 AM
The panic of COVID-19 currently gripping parts of China and a few other countries could be hitting a lot closer to home very soon. CDC officials are warning that the coronavirus is likely to become a pandemic, which means there’s a good possibility it will make its way through the United States. Are you prepared to protect your home?We offer the following not to induce panic because we can best protect...
3/25/2020 7:00:00 AM
Snoring is a common problem, affecting nearly 90 million adults in the United States. Of those, approximately 37 million snore on a regular basis, a fact that could indicate a more serious problem or underlying condition, such as sleep apnea. Even if there isn’t a serious condition at play, snoring interrupts healthy sleep patterns, for both the snorer and their partner. Fortunately, there are things...
3/24/2020 7:00:00 AM
COVID-19 is anxiety-inducing, and for good reason. The TV is flashing images of people in hazmat suits, entire countries are being put on lockdown and infection and death toll rates are climbing by the day. There is a ton of contradictory information out there—some people say we need to practice social distancing, and other people are saying we need to calm down. The grocery stores are selling out...
3/24/2020 7:00:00 AM