Posts by Wellness Editor

We all have one - an angry ex who can’t seem to leave the past alone. No matter how long it’s been since the two of you were together, he still seems to hold a grudge and can’t get past the things you did wrong in the relationship. If you still have to deal with an ex because the two of you share children, it can be difficult to deal with on a regular basis. With these 5 tips for coping with an angry...
6/22/2017 9:00:00 PM
Summertime is here and it’s calling to you. Do you have vacation on your mind? Perhaps you want to share a getaway with your sweetie. It’s time to start thinking of destinations to visit. You may want to spend some of your summer months exploring or embarking on an adventure. It lets you get away from the real world and forget about daily stresses for a while. If you’re looking to take a trip with...
6/19/2017 9:00:00 PM
Let’s face it, no one likes a tick. For arachnids that have a length of only a few millimeters, ticks are the kind of creatures most people would rather avoid. Stealthy and silent, they can latch onto you without your knowledge, spreading lyme disease and other dangerous illnesses.Researchers think that this year may have an especially high population of ticks in grassy and wooded areas. In addition,...
6/19/2017 7:00:00 AM
Hair color can be expensive, especially if you get your hair done professionally. It’s no wonder why you’d want to keep the color lasting as long as possible. Both men and women who either cover the grays or want to try another color can see fading or have difficulty keeping the silver streaks disguised for long. The summer months are often harsh on colored hair, so you might need some help to keep...
6/18/2017 9:00:00 PM
You’ve probably heard the buzz about medical marijuana by now. It’s also called CBD (Cannabidiol). Even if you have pain, anxiety or other conditions, you may have discounted using it --- even in states where it is legal --- because of the stigma that surrounds “getting high.” CBD provides all the medical benefits of marijuana without the feeling of being high. There are actually numerous health benefits...
6/13/2017 9:00:00 PM
Scheduling sex may seem like an unconventional task. You might feel that the act is something that should only occur when both you and your partner are in the mood. The problem with that thinking is that the daily tasks of life often get in the way for time in bed with the one we love. Scheduling sex can ensure the two of you get some alone time together, although there are both pros and cons to the...
6/7/2017 7:00:00 AM
In today’s technological world there are many apps we can use on our phones to make our lives easier. Android, in particular, has some apps that work well for women, particularly those that are very busy. Take a look at some of the top apps Android offers and see which ones you can use to make life a bit easier. MintThe Mint app allows you to take control of your finances. Set a budget, monitor your...
4/18/2017 9:00:00 PM
International Women’s Day is coming up. It celebrates how proud we are to be women. It celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and it occurs every year on March 8. Certain books throughout the decades have been written to help establish a proud-to-be-a-woman feeling. This is a list of 5 books that every woman should add to their "to read" list to honor femininity.1....
3/30/2017 7:00:00 AM
Oncologists in Turkey who aren’t under the same U.S. restrictions, are using a stacked ketogenic treatment protocol that is showing shocking remissions in many stage 4 cancer patients. By using metabolic support strategies such as ketogenic diet and fasting, a minimal dose of chemotherapy can be used, thereby eliminating many of the side effects and risks of treatment while actually improving outcomes....
3/19/2017 10:00:00 PM
Whether you are ready to retire or simply trying to do the right things now so that someday you can retire, this information is important to you.You have been saving your entire life for this moment – your retirement has arrived! If you were smart (and lucky), you invested well and have a nice sized nest egg to get you through this next stage of life. But how can you make sure that it lasts? Stretching...
3/1/2017 8:00:00 AM