Do you frequently forget where you put your keys? Do you remember people’s faces but have a hard time remembering their names? Do you often walk into a room and forget why? Rejoice! It might make you smarter and more efficient!Most of us associate the ability to remember facts, names or details with intelligence. Remembering things can come in handy in school or in the workplace. However, researchers...
10/2/2017 7:00:00 AM
While both men and women can experience cancer of many varieties, it is said that on average, 1 in every 3 women will develop some form of the disease in their lifetime. It is important for all ladies to know what kinds of cancer they are especially at risk for, so that they may spot the signs if any arise in the future.Breast CancerWhile breast cancer can affect men as well, it typically occurs in...
9/28/2017 7:00:00 AM
Do you struggle with foreplay in the bedroom? Perhaps you don’t even talk about it. After all, this wasn’t something you learned in sex ed class. It almost seems like it is something we should all just “know.” But, let’s be honest, most of us simply aren't born with mad skills in the bedroom. The truth is that countless men and women struggle with foreplay, often wondering precisely what they should...
9/26/2017 9:00:00 PM
If you are unhappy with what you see when you look in the mirror, you are not alone! The health and fitness industry in the United States generates almost $26 billion a year, and you’re probably not the sole contributor to that number (if you are, we need to talk!). Every month, there seems to be a new activity (such as Crossfit, Jazzercise, Hot Yoga or Spinning) or diet (like Atkins, Paleo, or Ketogenic)...
9/26/2017 7:00:00 AM
Companies selling B vitamins have made all sorts of claims. They say that B vitamins can boost your health, metabolism, energy, and more. While this is true, it is only true if a person is deficient in B vitamins. The average person may not need an additional supplement.Despite this, around 50% of Americans take dietary supplements, and the most common of these are B vitamins. Taking excessive amounts...
9/10/2017 7:00:00 AM
Facts:Approximately 10 million Americans have osteoporosis.Another 44 million have low bone density, placing them at increased risk to develop osteoporosis. 54 million Americans (half of all adults age 50 and older) are at risk of breaking a bone due to osteoporosis.Osteoporosis develops in many people --- especially women, affecting their bones and overall health. But there are ways to prevent this...
9/5/2017 9:00:00 PM
Rejoice ladies, because your days of draining your wallet buying uncomfortable menstrual products are over. That time of the month is hard enough, why make it even less fun with expensive products that are uncomfortable, and sometimes barely manage to get the job done? Many are also looking for more eco-friendly options, as it’s estimated a woman will throw out over 250 pounds of pads and tampons over...
8/31/2017 7:00:00 AM
We’re constantly looking for better, smarter, and safer ways to improve our health. In fact, in 2015 it was found that about 1/3 of Americans look for alternative medicine outside regular health care. Some alternative health care methods can be helpful --- the problem arises when people start replacing conventional health care with these methods, especially when facing a fatal disease like cancer.Study...
8/15/2017 9:00:00 PM
Admit it, ladies. You’ve always known you were superheroes. The only difference is, now you may be able to back it up with scientific evidence. Over the years, studies have shown that there are some brain differences between men and women, and not just structurally, but also in the way they act and think. The conclusion of the most recent study is that women may actually have more active brains than...
8/13/2017 9:00:00 PM
Energy independence is a great thing. Oil and gas production are on the rise in the United States through hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in the last several years. Fracking has led us away from the use of coal and helped provide for over half of our oil and natural gas in 2015 alone. Surely that should be a good thing, right? Unfortunately, events have indicated that there could be serious health...
8/8/2017 9:00:00 PM