Cheese may no longer be a guilty pleasure. New information is dispelling the myth that foods high in milk fat are responsible for obesity and high cholesterol levels. What was once considered a solely “bad” fat may contain compounds that can protect against obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In fact, it looks like making foods like cheese a regular part of your diet could even help you live...
1/7/2019 10:00:00 PM
Wellness Tip: When trying to lose weight, low-calorie diet soda may seem like a good beverage option. If the consumption of artificial chemicals doesn't dissuade you in its own right, consider this: Those who opt for a diet soda often consume more overall calories. You may think you have some leeway, but if you are not careful you can easily exceed any calories saved with your food intake. Artificial...
1/4/2019 8:00:00 AM
Wellness Tip: You may be puzzled to read an entry about love under Wellness. But your emotional life is every bit as important to your overall well-being as your heart or blood pressure. In fact, your emotional state may be the greatest influence upon your overall physical health. Much has been written about stress being a detriment to good health; but not much has been said about how positive feelings...
1/3/2019 8:00:00 AM
Several dozen batches of U by Kotex Sleek tampons were voluntarily recalled by the manufacturer after users reported the products were coming apart inside them. The manufacturer is warning women not to use any of these products, as serious medical issues could ensue.The product has been coming apart inside women’s bodies, raising new concerns over toxic shock syndrome, a potentially deadly infection...
1/3/2019 8:00:00 AM
We see them in movies and read about them in books. We even kid around about going through a midlife crisis when we hit the occasional tough spot in life. All jokes aside though, the midlife crisis is a very real phenomenon and the sudden behavioral changes that come with it can be very worrisome for those of us who have to watch our loved ones struggle. Is There an Imposter Living in Your House? He’s...
11/27/2018 8:00:00 AM
Parents and grandparents rejoice at the arrival of new members in the family. There are few things sweeter and more delightful than a newborn baby. All we want to do is love and protect them. We wish them a long and healthy life but we also know that life can bring difficulties and disease over which we don’t have a lot of control. But what if there was a way to ensure that both your child and grandchild...
11/10/2018 8:00:00 AM
Treatment for certain types of paralysis may soon be a reality. Up until recently, those who’ve lost functioning due to spinal injuries have had little hope in ever regaining it. New research has changed that. Even better, the treatment doesn’t require any surgery. In fact, it’s completely noninvasive.Spinal StimulationThe procedure, which developers at UCLA refer to as “transcutaneous enabling motor...
11/10/2018 8:00:00 AM
Breast cancer awareness is an important part of women’s health, and early detection saves lives. Unfortunately, increased awareness and easily accessible screening processes sometimes lead to unnecessary treatments. Protection from both sides of this ugly disease is aided by arming oneself with solid information on breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.Be aware of breast cancer risk, but don't let...
10/22/2018 7:00:00 AM
About 15 million people worldwide suffer from complications caused by either disease or trauma to the cornea, the outer surface of the eye. About a third of those people live with total blindness. With the availability of corneas for transplant far from meeting the demand, researchers have turned to various media for prosthetics. Recently, a team at Newcastle University discovered a way to recreate...
10/18/2018 7:00:00 AM
Unless you’re among the millions of people who are color blind, you’re fortunate enough to see the world in all its full-spectrum glory. Now many who suffer from the most common form of color blindness can look forward to literally seeing what they’ve been missing. Researchers have developed contact lenses that help to correct one form of color blindness, allowing those wearing them to view reds and...
9/26/2018 7:00:00 AM