Tagged as Mental Health

Like it or not, we live in a society that promotes superficial, unrealistic beauty ideals. That’s both good news and bad. The good news is that such a perspective creates lots of choices that can help you be your most healthy, best self. The bad news is that some people take it too far and try to conform to beauty ideals that are truly unrealistic and may actually harm their relationships, financial...
March 19, 2015
In April, 1986, I hired a plane to tow a banner with a physics equation, h/h' = 1 + GM/[(R + (h/MC)]C^2, over Denver, Colorado. The equation indicates that the scale of space shrinks in the presence of sufficient mass, making the Big Bang and black holes impossible. At the time, I was working as a stripper, bar bouncer, and roller skating waiter (and was a physics major at the university in Boulder,...
March 16, 2015
There is an old saying that the definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over but expecting a different result. The only way to get a new result is to find a different way of doing things. Here are 5 suggestions to start with: - #1 - Whether your day will be a good one or not is a choice we make before getting out of bed. So, first thing in the morning, make the decision to have...
February 28, 2015
We live in a busy world. People we meet and people we know are often too busy to spend time together. It's through connection that our souls get recharged. Research continually shows that those who have social connections are healthier and live longer, more joyful lives. Things often change when someone is diagnosed with a chronic or life-threatening illness. The social lines get blurred and many who...
February 19, 2015
Creating a good life starts with self-love, and the foundation of self-love is self-care. For many of us, this is a foreign concept; we are amazing at caring for and loving others. However, many of us were raised in an environment that was not nurturing, and where we were never taught the importance of self-care. As a mental health counselor I see clients daily who ignore their own needs and then wonder...
February 14, 2015
In James Allen's timeless masterpiece, “As A Man Thinketh," he describes fear like this: - “Thoughts of fear have been known to kill a man as speedily as a bullet, and they are continually killing thousands of people just as surely though less rapidly. The people who live in fear of disease are the people who get it. Anxiety quickly demoralizes the whole body, and lays it open to the entrance of disease;...
December 9, 2014
An emotion that is universal to the human experience is envy. It is also for the most part considered shameful. People generally see this feeling as ugly, try to hide and deny it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. Envy can feel toxic, it can balloon to be all-consuming, so powerful at times that one can feel eaten alive by the intense emotional experience. I see envy as exemplified in the following thought...
June 5, 2014
We all experience emotions that we are told at some point are ugly and shameful, that society or our family tells us we “should” eradicate. Some of us are emotionally inhibited, afraid to express any emotion. Others of us are emotionally disinhibited, and feel ruled by our emotions. A common response to experiencing certain emotions is shame and frustration with oneself. Such a reaction typically fuels...
April 30, 2014
So how do you achieve wellness? The technical definition of wellness can be described as: - “Optimally balanced health across multiple dimensions.” - The top level dimensions are commonly viewed as physical, mental, spiritual, social and lifestyle. Striking an optimal balance of health in each dimension can be confusing and too many people misunderstand the objective and generally fail to achieve Wellness...
April 26, 2014
It is finally spring and you are charged up.  This is the year you are going to lose the twenty pounds that have been slowly - creeping up. Good for you for making the commitment. So why does it often feel like failure before we can even get out of the gate? I imagine you know this game well.  It's called self-sabotage and you very well have been on this hamster wheel for a long time. Let's look at...
April 14, 2014