Tagged as Mental Health

After sending off our three children to three different schools with varying start and end times my husband and I land back home for a brief encounter before running off to our jobs, commitments and responsibilities. Our interactions are brief, almost as if we are at a pit stop taking a sip of water before reentering the race. The race against the clock to see just how much we can fit in the course...
March 18, 2016
When you’re stuck and can’t find a solution to your problem, you can stimulate your brain to come up with solutions by simply making a choice – a choice to believe there is a solution somewhere nearby - waiting to be discovered. Belief determines what we see and don’t see, in part, because it affects where we are willing to look or not look for solutions. One particular Friday morning, I was getting...
March 10, 2016
I can always recognize when negativity is weighing on my body, mind and spirit as I feel extremely heavy in all areas.  My mind becomes foggy.  My disposition becomes depressed and/or agitated, and my spirit feels imbalanced and I become lazy and very sluggish.  My view of things becomes quite pessimistic and, although I know the methods in which to purge these toxins, it sometimes takes me a few spilled...
February 17, 2016
Everything we do stems from our belief systems. Your self-image is responsible for all that you do. Take a step back and think about how you feel about yourself and then take note of how you live. Can you see how your deepest thoughts and feelings are reflective in your life experiences? - If you see yourself as “fat” then your body will manifest that which you believe, resulting in wanting to eat...
January 5, 2016
It's that time of year. Halloween has just passed, the once abundant supply of Snickers bars, lollipops and Tootsie Rolls now nothing more than empty wrappers and the eclectic mixture of smells in a pillowcase. Now we have Thanksgiving, Christmas and a season's worth of birthdays to contend with as we try to navigate our way to a healthier body. However, lurking under all of these obvious triggers...
November 25, 2015
America, the beautiful, has some not-so-beautiful ways of perceiving health problems that surround us. Our country doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to shaming behaviors and that is, to put it lightly, disappointing. Judgemental attitudes, stereotyping, and other negativity can be prominent in certain subcultures. It is extremely important to view both mental health and physical health...
June 17, 2015
Are you ready to lose the "weight" that slows you and often keeps you down? Do you want to lose the weight that makes you anxious, fearful, short-tempered at work and home, and robs you of enthusiasm? If "yes" is your answer, you're ready to go on the pressure-less diet. The pressure-less diet - it's based on research that concludes most people experience daily feelings of pressure akin to a weight...
June 11, 2015
It is an exciting time for healthcare as it evolves into the connected age, and it is no surprise that mental health is joining the telehealth revolution as well. Increased access to mental health services means better health care and higher quality of life for patients in any location. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, in 2012 there were an estimated -43.7 million adults- in the...
May 26, 2015
Our culture is abuzz with the benefits of mindfulness meditation and the idea of “meditation for at least 20 minutes a day” as a bare minimum upon which to start your practice. For busy people with busy lives, calming, and ideally quieting your mind for even 10, let alone 20 minutes sounds like a far cry from reality. Don’t get me wrong, I wholeheartedly support meditating for 20 minutes. But, what...
May 12, 2015
As a therapist of 20 years, I am always amazed by how many people come to me anxious and depressed, yet not realizing why they are feeling that way. Maybe they have lost a loved one, or were in an accident, or were bullied or abused in some way as a child. Maybe their family doctor put them on antidepressants, or antianxiety medication, maybe they have seen a therapist, but they still don't feel really...
May 4, 2015