Tagged as Mental Health

Mental health is connected to physical health in many, sometimes obvious and at other times more hidden ways. But they are connected. Consider: When we get scared, we sweat. When we cry, our blood pressure may change. And these are just the surface, measurable effects. What about being chronically stressed? The long-term effects may be harder to quantify but stress management is one of the first things...
November 19, 2020
Mental health is connected to physical health in many, sometimes obvious and at other times more hidden ways. But they are connected. Consider: When we get scared, we sweat. When we cry, our blood pressure may change. And these are just the surface, measurable effects. What about being chronically stressed? The long-term effects may be harder to quantify but stress management is one of the first things...
November 19, 2020
It’s no secret that nutrition is important to our wellbeing. Nor is it a secret that mental health can affect physical health. So, what about blending these two aspects of health together? That’s where nutritional psychiatry comes in, and it just may be our ticket to a higher level of wellness. The Role of Nutrition in Good Health - Researchers have long said that proper nutrition matters when it comes...
October 23, 2020
For people with bipolar disorder, the stigma of mental health issues can be significant, affecting relationships, friendships, and even work life. New medications and a willingness to speak out about this condition may help people with bipolar disorder live better lives as advocates work to break down barriers and create a pattern of -education instead of shame. Celebrities are helping to remove some...
October 22, 2020
When feelings of loneliness and sadness get to be too much, some people will reach out for help, either personally or professionally. But what about those who may have the attitude that they need to "tough it out" or push through? Having a strong, steadfast persona can be a good character trait to have. It certainly makes you seem dependable. And it may mean that you feel you can easily handle anything...
October 9, 2020
Difficult times can call for desperate measures—and the pandemic is -definitely a difficult time-, so coping with the pandemic can call for desperate measures. Sometimes it feels like we’ve all slipped through the looking-glass, and while some of us are handling these challenges well, -others are struggling-—and who is which might switch at any time. All that’s missing is the Mad Hatter offering a...
October 5, 2020
It’s natural to want to stay up to date on the news, especially when so much is currently going on in the world. With all of this uncertainty and worry, many people have come to a point where the weight of it all has become too heavy. But when we combine this restless worrisome uncertainty with a feeling of helplessness, we might begin to experience what's known colloquially a doomscrolling. “Doomscrolling”...
September 25, 2020
From the time we are born, we are dependent in some way on other people. As we grow, we learn that healthy relationships mean giving to, as well as taking from, others. But when we are a codependent enabler, we build our lives around pleasing others. We may lack outside interests, focusing only on our need to be needed. Codependency may begin in our childhood. Possible causes include feeling unwanted,...
September 17, 2020
We might be lucky enough to grow up surrounded by family and friends. But eventually, whether from a move, or a loss of contact, a new school or in our first apartment, we all experience loneliness. By all accounts, loneliness is impacting many Americans in epidemic proportions. Some say ts the single greatest mental health crisis of our time. Yet we don't really seem to take it seriously as a problem. But...
August 24, 2020
We find happiness in different situations. Some prefer playing with puppies, while others feel happier partying with friends. Now a new study has found one way for all of us to feel happier, -no matter how we find it. Happiness Study Reveals An important Clue - Researchers recently discovered a -strong link- between our level of happiness and -how much variety- we enjoy in our lives. The study found...
August 17, 2020