The Foundation of Self-Love

Creating a good life starts with self-love, and the foundation of self-love is self-care. For many of us, this is a foreign concept; we are amazing at caring for and loving others. However, many of us were raised in an environment that was not nurturing, and where we were never taught the importance of self-care.

As a mental health counselor I see clients daily who ignore their own needs and then wonder why they are exhausted and angry. Many cannot tell me what their favorite meal is or what they enjoy doing in their spare time.

There seems to be a pervasive belief in our society that it is selfish to take care of your own needs, to do something for yourself that goes beyond basic personal care and into the realm of pleasure. The exception to this is the unhealthy self-absorption of the narcissist, and that subject will not be addressed here!

Once we decide to take care of ourselves, to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, to acknowledge our needs and commit to fulfilling them, and to even follow our dreams, it is then that we will begin to experience true happiness and peace. When we cherish ourselves and embrace our personal power, our vision of who we are and what we can accomplish expands to incomprehensible heights.

This self-nurturing and affirming way of being radiates out from our core, and has a positive impact on our relationships and everything we do. As we start nurturing ourselves, there is the natural tendency to begin to assess our surroundings, how we spend our precious time, and also the people we choose to allow into our sacred space. Are you listening to music that inspires and feeds your soul? Is your home decorated to your liking and in some kind of order? Are the people you call friends and family actually loving, fun, and supportive to be around?

Our new philosophy of self will often lead to a courageous and profound process of transformation. You may discover a desire to purge all that is undesirable and energy-exhausting from your life.

Surrounding yourself with uplifting people, music, effects, and pursuits can be a crucial step in acknowledging your worth, fulfilling your desires, and creating the life you are meant to enjoy!

Please share your reaction to this blog – have you successfully incorporated self-care into your life? Are there areas that you recognize that need your attention in order to begin the journey to a healthier, more joyous life?

2/14/2015 8:00:00 AM
Sandra Watson
Written by Sandra Watson
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I know that my life lacks self love always has never seems to be time for me. I have talked to councelors and it always seems to bring my depression to a higher level rather than help. I am very guarded about talking to ppl as I have been jaded by even the pastor at my church. They seem to look at you like you are some freak. I have had ALOT of bad things happen to me some self made and some out of control of me. I really dont think I know how to love let alone love myself. I often feel empty and void. I am also very embarrassed by alot of things. Any suggestions.
Posted by Theresa
I think what you say is all well and good. There are also what I call "reality" checks where people genuinely have had no "control," over their lives, situations, etc. I struggle with "Pollyanna" and have experienced and talked with many such as you.
People lose their homes, loved ones, kids, all their finances, families, health, you name it.
People end up not talking about it, because others don't understand it, and don't want too, or they avoid it because it's too powerful and intense for them to hear! Sad but true.

This is real life stuff. Not Walt Disney "Mary Poppins movies
Posted by Scott
Great article and sadly so true. I think I've become better at self-care as I get older but sometimes I need to remind myself to do it. I still have a hard time distancing myself from people who have been a part of my life for many years but have a negative impact on my self-esteem and don't add joy to my life. I'm trying to add more positive people to my life!
Posted by Beth
That is a very difficult subject...I dont know how to do.
I grew up with verbal abuse...Then it seems religion has a very messed up view of self love as well...and heard deny yourself...crucify your others as you would your self? Well if you hate your self do you love others as yourself?
Ive been trying Inner child therapy...but its not working well for me.
Not sure how to love myself
Posted by Vanessa
Sandra, thank you for sharing, I enjoyed your blog very much. I find when I say yes to too many things, my own needs take a back seat until I start to resent myself and others. A great breakthrough for me came from literally making an "ideal day" schedule where I specify what time I take for myself and what time I tend to the needs of my clients, email and even friends. It really worked well for me.
Posted by John Valenty

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