Tagged as Happiness

Although there are many approaches toward battling depression, there is no question that a healthy diet should be part of an overall depression-fighting treatment plan. The nutrients in food support wellness, growth and the body's ability to repair itself. Deficiency in fat, protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins can cause our bodies to not work at full capacity and can also adversely affect...
September 27, 2024
Can you eat your way to happiness? Yes! Perhaps not in the way you’re thinking, but it is entirely possible. The fleeting happiness you may experience by eating a container of ice cream using your favorite candy bar as a spoon isn’t what this is about. We’re talking about substantial, lasting happiness, not the instant, temporary sugar rush you may have from eating foods like cake, cookies, or a Twinkie....
October 11, 2023
It is said that Abraham Lincoln, when he was President of the U.S., was advised to include a certain man in his cabinet. When he refused he was asked why he would not accept him. "I don't like his face," the President replied. "But the poor man isn't responsible for his face," responded his advocate. "Every man over forty is responsible for his face" countered Lincoln. I heard this years ago, can’t...
April 12, 2023
Happiness is not something that just magically happens for some people but not for others. The way you view yourself, others, and the world around you is the key your own happiness. If you genuinely want to be happy more often than you are, you CAN make changes necessary to bring about that peace. Although everyone has bad periods in their lives that can last from hours to even months at a time, those...
November 23, 2021
We find happiness in different situations. Some prefer playing with puppies, while others feel happier partying with friends. Now a new study has found one way for all of us to feel happier, -no matter how we find it. Happiness Study Reveals An important Clue - Researchers recently discovered a -strong link- between our level of happiness and -how much variety- we enjoy in our lives. The study found...
August 17, 2020
A pessimistic personality can drive away loved ones, and, more seriously, it can -drastically impact health- — in a bad way. Unfortunately, recognizing that you have an attitude problem doesn’t necessarily result in an improved viewpoint, especially if this challenge is deeply rooted in anxiety, anger or depression. Most people don’t walk around with a permanent smile, but it should be concerning if...
May 13, 2020
Mindfulness, a concept practiced as early as the fifth century BC, has recently experienced a revitalization, perhaps an explosion, in our modern culture. But what is it exactly and why is it important? At its most basic, mindfulness refers to the practice of paying attention, being in the present moment and remaining open-minded. The practice itself has been linked with lower rates of depression and...
February 11, 2020
While the preferred media varies among age groups, with older people listening to the radio and younger people preferring YouTube and Spotify, music remains a favorite pastime for people of all ages. On average, Americans listen to a little more than -150 minutes- of music each day. If you’re not already doing so, you may want to increase your listening time. You see, not only is it fun, listening...
February 4, 2020
This is true: energy becomes matter. The choice right now is between living a life based in matter or living a life based in energy. Is your life about stuff or feelings? Do you value owning more of what you want or feeling more of what you want? - Let’s say you got to pick between door #1 or door #2. Behind each door is a potential future reality that, when chosen, becomes your truth. Behind door...
November 27, 2019
Stupid choices? Sure we all make them. Hopefully, as we get older and wiser we figure out that we can do better. If you’re ready to start making BETTER choices, let’s take a look at the top 8 things to quit starting today. 1. Quit making excuses.- Excuses totally take you away from what you need to face in order to be better. Make more. Be healthier. Create sustainable relationships. Excuses are detours...
March 2, 2018