Healthy brain function is very important; its command helps for the proper coordination of all body parts. But what if the brain malfunctions? What will happen to our daily routine and tasks? Brain stressors can lead to serious brain problems if not avoided and managed properly. Here are some of the brain stressors: 1. Frequent jetlag that causes severe headache to travelers 2. Chronic drinking of...
8/23/2011 7:33:49 PM
During your daily tasks, at work, school, and other activities, your brain helps you manage life well. It helps you decide on things that needs thorough decision making, helps you remember many things to be done. But what would happen if your memory lost its ability to help you remember things easily? Need some help memorizing terms for your examination the following day? Need to be excellent in your...
8/15/2011 8:15:38 PM
With so much things to do, think and problems to solve, at work, school, home and so on-not enough time to do them all, it's no wonder people get stressed out, get sick and eventually become unhealthy in many aspect of life. But you must always remember that too much work could affect your health and lifestyle practices. It is still important to make your health well cared of despite all the stresses...
8/2/2011 7:49:13 PM
Being totally well is also being healthy in every aspect of our life. We may have a delicious meal every day, an exercise activity to perform and an active social life. But we must not forget that there are still many things that could make us unhealthy. One of the problems usually encountered by people is stress. Stress could also be detrimental to one's health. Once a person feels stressed, the physical...
7/25/2011 8:53:58 PM
Becoming conscious with your health and fitness is a positive attitude. By starting with being aware of your present lifestyle and reviewing your previous ways of managing your health, you are able to get a total control of your own health and wellness. Each day, everyone is looking forward on accomplishing goals that are planned a few days back and some people even used to remind themselves on what...
6/7/2011 10:20:17 PM
Wellness has now been truly spread globally, each company develops a program for their employees, aiming to get and stay fit. All employees will now have the chance to be indulged in a healthy physical activity even during office hours or even as a part of a company activity. Underweight, overweight and obese employees can gradually perform healthy exercise activities; they could enjoy and have fun...
5/24/2011 8:51:26 PM
As the world battles for the right way and steps in resolving obesity, weight-related illnesses, weight management, and in achieving optimal health and wellness, VRCities' love and passion in helping people deal with these problems is made through the most comprehensive, Action-Driven health and wellness initiative program which brings people together in ways that matters. Health and wellness initiative,...
5/8/2011 7:05:00 PM
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women, and the number of patients with breast cancer is still fast increasing. Many factors are associated with the development of breast cancer, hereditary factors wherein cancer is passed through from a gene of a certain family member into the succeeding generations in the family, lifestyle plays as big factor for this disease specially to those...
5/2/2011 11:54:05 PM
Many articles have already been published and studies proven that exercise is really beneficial to health. Regardless of ages, status and health condition of a person who wants to do and perform exercise activities. Much health, fitness and exercise enthusiasts have supported and spread out the news about how helpful exercise is to our body. There are different types of exercises being advised by experts...
4/25/2011 5:45:23 PM
An allergy is the immune response to a foreign substance that is considered a threat to the body. Some people have allergies on common foods and on some things which other people find it weird and unusual. Here are some of the allergies people also experienced; Chocolates -chocolates are the most loved and the most favorite of almost all people especially to children. But yes! Some have allergies on...
4/20/2011 7:36:49 PM