Posts by Wellness Editor

It’s that time of the year again. The sniffles, congestion, and red eyes are a dead giveaway: It’s allergy season. And now is the time to get prepared. Many allergy sufferers have multiple allergens but a whole lot of us are sensitive to pollen — and therefore we suffer most in the spring. Here are some solid tips on preparing for those miserable spring allergies. Set Up an Appointment With a Doctor...
2/21/2023 5:00:00 AM
We all have internal perceptions of ourselves. Do you believe you're a good person? Do you believe you're attractive to others? But we tend to also believe these ideas aren't very malleable. Too often we think we're stuck believing whatever it is we currently believe. But that may not be true. And taking it in hand could be a real life-changer. Whether in your business or personal life, changing your...
2/20/2023 5:00:00 AM
“Eating our feelings” is something many of us have done at one time or another. But stress-eating involves much more than just craving unhealthy foods. It’s actually a hormonal response. That's right. It's not about willpower. Why People Eat When They’re Stressed No matter what’s causing stress in a person’s life, eating is one of the ways often used to cope with it. So why is that? Stress causes an...
2/17/2023 5:00:00 AM
Food is a common reward. Need to celebrate? Let's go out to dinner. A kid got a good grade? Here's a cookie! Really killed it in your workout? You deserve that cheeseburger. Don't you? But the habit of rewarding yourself wth food isn't really the healthiest choice. Besides, we can become like puppies with access to the treats box when we then start to look for ways to reward ourselves. Ultimately,...
2/16/2023 5:00:00 AM
By the time you turned 30, people might have told you about all the changes you need to make. You were leaving the 20s behind and moving into completely new territory where your body wasn’t quite so capable of handling long nights and busy days. Now you’re close to 40, and a whole new set of lifestyle changes are coming your way.Quit SmokingIf you currently smoke, now is the time to stop. Statistics...
2/12/2023 5:00:00 AM
Water is a key element of life, and getting enough is essential to proper health. We might consider drinking an extra glass or two of water on hot days or after a vigorous workout, but most of us aren’t likely to compensate for advancing age. Here’s what every person should know about hydration requirements by age. Hydration Requirements for Children Children’s water needs can vary by weight. Those...
2/9/2023 5:00:00 AM
Everything changes as you get older; physical ability, mental acuity and eyesight all succumb, in some form or another, to the aging process. Eyes, in particular though, are vulnerable to the aging process and may develop one or more age-related conditions, such as presbyopia, floaters, glaucoma, dry eyes, macular degeneration, cataracts and temporal arteritis. These conditions aren’t always unavoidable,...
2/5/2023 5:00:00 AM
Most people are unaware that a normal body’s bone density peaks at the age of 30, then the body starts to reabsorb calcium away from its bones. Aging, menopause, and a poor diet can exacerbate bone loss. You may be aware of some ways to keep your bones healthy; you might even be taking your calcium and vitamin D. But are you doing other things that actually hurt without knowing it? Here are 5 ways...
1/21/2023 5:00:00 AM
While each woman is going to have some variations in what she is looking for, most have the same main qualities they want in a partner. These qualities are indicative of the possibility of a lifelong partner, otherwise known as husband material. With at least a few of these attributes under his belt, the man you have is well on his way to being exactly what you need. HumorA guy who can make you laugh...
12/30/2022 5:00:00 AM
The holidays are a joyous and magical time for many. But for some, loneliness and depression can dominate everything. Maybe it's because they're truly alone but for some, it's actually because they feel isolated even if others are around. But the thing is, no one wants to think about this or talk about it. But it's really the dark underbelly of the holidays and talking about it is the only way to start...
12/25/2022 5:00:00 AM