Posts by Wellness Editor

The ongoing quest for the best night’s sleep continues. While there may not be a simple solution to getting an uninterrupted 7 to 9 hours of sleep, some have turned to melatonin. The body makes melatonin naturally, but supplements are also popular. So we wondered, is synthetic melatonin safe to take? Does Melatonin Control Sleep Patterns? Most healthy adults need between 7 and 10 hours of sleep every...
11/14/2022 5:00:00 AM
Here they come again — office parties, family dinners, gifts to buy and holiday crowds — it doesn’t take long before stress starts to take its toll. From traveling to entertaining or just trying to keep up with the holiday rush, we have some survival tips.Holiday stress doesn’t have to be a looming disaster waiting to happen. Conquer the beast by getting enough sunlight, planning ahead, pacing yourself...
11/13/2022 5:00:00 AM
Arsenic is in your food. It can be found in rice, vegetables, and fruit, as well as in juices, wine, and even water. Over the years, research has found that too much arsenic can be toxic to your health --- but just how poisonous is it? While some websites and articles use the presence of arsenic as a scary-sounding alarm to get your attention, a little arsenic in your wine or vitamin supplements isn’t...
11/12/2022 5:00:00 AM
Having a drink before bed is something many people enjoy as a way to unwind or relax. Sharing a nightcap can also be a way for people to carry on an intimate conversation while winding down for the evening. IT seems innocuous and like a calming ritual, but is a drink or two actually bad for us before bed? Drinking May Lead to Muscle Aches When the body's blood alcohol level increases, it can lead to...
11/11/2022 5:00:00 AM
Frosting-coated cookies, butter-drenched veggies, gravy on everything, and carb-filled casseroles derail the dietary habits of many healthy adults during the holiday season. Some people choose these foods because they like how they taste, while others eat them because they evoke memories of fun family festivities and the sense of tradition and good family times is comforting and defines the holidays.Healthy...
11/3/2022 4:00:00 AM
Halloween is upon us. But the origin of this tradition has largely been lost on the majority of celebrants. Halloween marks the eve of All Saints Day (alternatively All Hallows' Day), a day of remembrance of the dead, the saintly, martyred, and faithful departed believers. Halloween arose as a way to use humor and ridicule to flout Death.But how did a ritual to mock Death come to involve so much sugar?In...
10/31/2022 4:00:00 AM
Our brains are incredible living processors, working day and night to keep our bodies functioning and in touch with the world around us. Despite all they do, many of us take for granted how amazing our brains actually are. We’ve uncovered seven ridiculously cool facts that showcase the extraordinary human brain. 1. For Such a Small Organ, the Brain Uses A Lot of Energy The human brain only weighs about...
10/30/2022 4:00:00 AM
Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle. Ideas about how to lose weight come from so many sources, and it can feel overwhelming at times with different approaches working for different people. But there are some simple tricks to make weight loss easier—hacks if you will. Among those tricks may be adjusting what time you eat dinner. Let’s take a look at how your dinner time could be affecting the...
10/28/2022 4:00:00 AM
Some of us are lucky enough to have doctors who track our cholesterol from the time we're young. But for many, we don’t think much about our cholesterol levels until health effects start cropping up later in life. As young adults most of us are too worried about enjoying life to be counting our egg and meat intake and depriving ourselves of rich foods. And many of us take the approach that young people...
10/27/2022 4:00:00 AM
Nearly 8 out of 10 American adults don’t get enough exercise, with only 5% of adults take part in physical activity for 30 minutes a day. It’s easy to put fitness on the back burner when busy juggling the demands of work, family and social commitments. Many people feel too exhausted or uncomfortable to muster up the motivation to work out regularly, and some simply dislike exercise in general. Regardless...
9/24/2022 4:00:00 AM