Ask just about anyone which decade was the absolute best to be a kid, and they’ll likely name their own era. The best music? That usually depends on which songs the person heard the most in their middle-school and teen years. Given a choice between Howdy Doody, Super Friends and Pokémon, which reigns supreme? You guessed it: The answer likely depends on which era was yours. And this says something...
1/6/2025 5:00:00 AM
Exercising can be hard to fit into a tight schedule, and with so many other demands taking up our free time, many of us feel like we need a way to burn some extra calories. We went looking for ways to burn calories without exercising. And found some great results. Get the details below on how you can burn calories without exercising, too. Take a Hot Bath People who enjoy a good, hot soak have one more...
1/3/2025 5:00:00 AM
Most people know that high blood pressure is a health risk and that blood pressure that drops too low can also be a problem. But what about when it bounces back and forth between the two extremes? It turns out that’s not good for you, either. And when it happens at a younger age, it may signal an increased risk of other health problems later in life. Why is Fluctuating Blood Pressure a Problem? The...
1/3/2025 5:00:00 AM
When it comes to pandemics, societies tend to focus on an exterior, pathogenic cause. Viruses, bacteria, and other environmental contaminants dominate the imagination. But there’s another pandemic our modern society doesn’t often consider: the indoor pandemic. What is the indoor pandemic? It’s the modern human’s tendency to live and work primarily indoors, away from the natural sunlight our ancestors...
1/3/2025 5:00:00 AM
Obstructive sleep apnea affects an estimated 3% of women and 10% of men between 30 and 49 years old; those figures jump to at least 9% of women and 17% of men when they’re between 50 and 70 years old. Many remain undiagnosed or untreated, leaving them at risk for complications like daytime sleepiness, headaches and even heart disease.A few treatment options are available, and strategies are likely...
12/30/2024 5:00:00 AM
According to recent studies, human beings are getting dumber. Since the 1980s, people’s IQs have been going down multiple points each decade. Researchers aren’t sure about the specific causes, but educational, technological and dietary factors are likely involved. Take a closer look at how these issues could be lowering our IQs.The Flynn EffectIn the late 1980s, a researcher named James Flynn discovered...
12/27/2024 5:00:00 AM
The hygienist can cause a lot of anxiety for some of us. All the scraping, poking and prodding is enough to push almost anyone over the edge. It could be that this is soon to change, though. And that’s got a few of us here at Wellness more than a little excited (and some of us a little terrified, too).Thanks to an army of small robots trips to the dentist may soon get a lot more high-tech. Designed...
12/27/2024 5:00:00 AM
Gritting or clenching our teeth when we’re angry or stressed isn’t uncommon. But the majority of people who grind their teeth don’t even realize they thy do it — because they do it in their sleep. Sometimes, our only indication of grinding our teeth might be that it wakes up our partner. But it can have serious implications for our dental health, even if we don't know we're doing it. Here's how to...
12/24/2024 5:00:00 AM
Many people are now choosing to follow a vegan diet. No matter what reasons we may have for choosing any diet, it’s vital to get the right balance of nutrients. Every diet has its challenges that adherents should be aware of and work to mitigate. And certainly, a vegan diet can be completely healthy and offers many great benefits. But one important challenge for vegans isn't often discussed. So let’s...
12/24/2024 5:00:00 AM
Is someone you love down in the dumps due to extreme pain? Painful medical ailments are not always easy to avoid, but some of them are treatable. Here are some treatment options to help find relief from some of the worst of them, specifically kidney stones, migraines, fibromyalgia, sciatica and gout.Kidney StonesThe first symptom of kidney stones is often extreme pain in the back and sides, just below...
12/23/2024 5:00:00 AM