Posts by Fred Fletcher

There is no question that viruses are the most interesting yet baffling microorganisms known to man. Most organisms, for example, are categorized either as prokaryotes or eukaryotes. The main difference is that prokaryotes have no nucleus in the cells while eukaryotes do. The theory is that prokaryotes were the first organisms to arrive, develop or be created on planet earth. As time went by, microorganisms...
10/25/2016 7:00:00 AM
Americans have always had a love affair with monsters. So have Europeans. But Americans have actually built on the tradition, adding to and enhancing this strange but-easily-explained affinity for strange, often-feared, but usually-eliciting-sympathy creatures.Some people might say that Mary Shelley (and other Gothic writers) started these macabre dance routines but that is simply not so. Monsters...
10/12/2016 10:19:13 PM
Since Donald Trump has become the President of the United States, I thought it prudent to provide health-related biographical information about him. Some of this information you may already know, other facts may come as a surprise.This information may prove useful to the public for the following reasons:It may illustrate whether he is a good role model (in terms of good/bad health practices, beliefs...
8/17/2016 7:00:00 AM
Access to germ-free and unpolluted water has always been important. Most people know that. People know, for example, that contagious, microorganism-induced diseases were often the main cause of death before the 1900s. They also probably know that water (as in the case of cholera, malaria, Schistosomiasis, Shigellosis, etc.) was often the medium that these microorganisms needed or used to spread themselves...
8/10/2016 7:00:00 AM
According to the CDC, between the years 2006 and 2010 a total number of 3,340 (including all ages) people died from heat-related illness in the United States. This number may not sound very high but that's probably because it just doesn't tell the whole picture. Actually, this is a common problem when it comes to mortality statistics. The numbers often given have to be viewed using a wide-angle set...
6/20/2016 7:00:00 AM
Although it is well known that lemons are good for one's health, there are many benefits which are only now being recognized and taken advantage of. Because of its high level of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), for example, lemons have been known to help out against infections and skin diseases like scurvy; they may also be a potent weapon against cancer.Among the less-well-known health benefits, however,...
6/2/2016 7:00:00 AM
There are a number of reasons why you shouldn't blindly trust in either the government or big corporations when it comes to whether something is safe or not. For one thing, these people may define "safe" more liberally than you--in other words, they may be willing to inflict a higher risk on you than you would be willing to inflict on yourself if you were in their shoes. Secondly, big companies often...
5/26/2016 7:00:00 AM
Although we've made great headway in the area of eating healthy, many people still question whether it's worth the effort and, more importantly, if it really makes a difference in the long run. For sure, some of the arguments that they give for not changing their supposedly "unhealthy" diets appear to make sense. You may even say that, in some instances, they are 100% correct.Having said that, some...
5/2/2016 7:00:00 AM
As difficult as it may be to believe, most car accidents can be easily prevented--in fact, the majority of accidents are brought about by people doing the wrong thing or failing to do something important. This realization gains special importance when you consider the life-threatening consequences involved. Annually, car accidents result in or are responsible for:1.3 million deaths 3,287 deaths per...
4/26/2016 7:00:00 AM
Some people say that knowledge is power. This is especially true when it comes to health matters. By knowing what health dangers are out there, for example, you can take measures to protect yourself. In other words, you can avoid succumbing to or being inflicted with something which may adversely affect your health--sometimes in permanent ways or, worse yet, leading to fatal consequences.While the...
4/19/2016 7:00:00 AM