Posts by Fred Fletcher

One of the things those of us of who work in the scientific world have to admit is that controversy and differences of opinion are unavoidable. As a general rule, different people have different perspectives about everything--even about things that one would think are self-evident, clear or supposedly "indisputable."Of course, it's understood that the social sciences aren't meant to impart one-size-fits-all...
2/24/2015 10:00:00 PM
First of all, the word "against" doesn't really fit with the gist of this article because most of the people who have been unfairly labeled as "anti-vaccine" are not necessarily against vaccines. What they are concerned about or opposed to is the blatant secrecy that surrounds many of the ingredients in vaccines.They also oppose the militarization of medicine (to the point of forcing people to comply...
2/9/2015 10:00:00 PM
An aneurysm occurs when parts of a blood vessel (usually an artery) become weakened or damaged by some kind of trauma; said weakened/damaged part of the vessel can then bulge out due to blood pressure strain. Such an occurrence is especially troublesome if it occurs in the brain. The pending danger involves the ever-increasing possibility of the vessel rupturing, thus allowing blood to seep out into...
2/5/2015 8:00:00 AM
It's official: health topic articles are some of the most sought-after, read and utilized tools of public communication these days. What is more important than our health? Beyond that, the health industry is not only one of the biggest in the world's economies, it's also one of the most profitable.Why Health Information Surpasses Everything in ImportanceIf you get bad advice from, say, stock/bonds...
1/30/2015 10:00:00 PM
When you think of the word "war," what comes to mind? Doesn't it involve 2 or more entities confronting each other over some differences of opinion or possessions? While the tools and the motivation behind all wars may differ, one thing is always expected or understood: the goal is to win. Since the so-called "war on cancer" was launched in 1971, many things have taken place, including the investment...
1/11/2015 8:00:00 AM
In today's fast-paced, complicated and ever-changing society there is no longer any room for uninvolved and unaffected bystanders. Are there people, though, who stand on the sidelines merely watching life go by? Yes, these people, either for the sake of playing it "safe" or because they simply lack the intellectual capacity to realistically assess their place in the world, think that they can, by...
12/8/2014 8:00:00 AM
While most people are probably familiar with medical imaging basics, there are some things which they may either not be aware of or have a wrong impression about; they may even entertain some myths and misconceptions. After all, radiology is a specialized field that has not been around for very long, historically speaking. In fact, it wasn't too long ago that medical imaging consisted primarily (if...
11/22/2014 7:15:20 PM
There are basically two types of health news articles (if looking at it from both ends of the spectrum): the namby-pamby, "make-you-feel-good" pieces and the hardcore, digging-for-trouble investigative journalistic exposes. The first may be compared to appetizers and dessert during a meal; the second to a salad and the main entrees. While the former may be wonderful to consume (since they greatly...
11/21/2014 10:00:00 PM
Some of the most troubling conspiracy theories that are floating on the Internet and other sources of information are those relating to the impetus to depopulate the earth. The proponents of said agenda, we are told, feel that this is necessary because there are simply too many people on the planet. They use as evidence global warming, the lack of food to feed everyone on the planet, the shrinking...
11/11/2014 8:00:00 AM
Going by the mainstream media, it appears as if Ebola is no longer the big news item it became just a few weeks ago. In fact, some of the members of the "I told you so" brigade (otherwise known as the "Chicken Little mockers") appear to be participating in "Official End of the Ebola Scare" festivities. Reportedly, these ridiculous (to those who know that Ebola and many other Ebola-like disasters will...
11/5/2014 8:00:00 AM