Some of the most troubling conspiracy theories that are floating on the Internet and other sources of information are those relating to the impetus to depopulate the earth. The proponents of said agenda, we are told, feel that this is necessary because there are simply too many people on the planet. They use as evidence global warming, the lack of food to feed everyone on the planet, the shrinking of natural habitats, less and less potable water, etc.
That there are people on this planet who believe that planet earth is overpopulated is not what's in question here--nor is it that some of these people are in positions of power and authority (enough to do something about their fears and concerns). Such people have been around even before modern times. Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin, for example, come to mind. Both of these men felt that their respective countries were overpopulated and they eventually did something about their insane (for there was little science to back their personal philosophies) concerns.
Both murdered millions of people; both would have greatly depopulated the whole earth had they had the technology and the opportunity political leaders enjoy today.
Should We Believe in the Depopulation Conspiracies Feared Today?
Clearly, there are many things that are happening all around us in the US that are not conducive to good health. Most people trust that the government has their best interest in mind but people forget that the government can only be trusted as much as the people presently in power. The questions to ask, then, are: Are there things that the government is doing or allowing which are ultimately bad for us? Is there a logical, defensible reason/explanation for such actions?
If not, then we have reasonable cause to raise objections, ask incisive questions and take whatever steps necessary to protect our welfare.
Each of us needs to carefully read and listen to those entities that are bringing these depopulation theories to our attention. It's not a question of what they say but how well they defend their theses (arguments). If we do that, we will see that much of what they say makes sense or, at the very least, provides substance for further inquiry.
What Things Are There Which Support a Government-Led Depopulation Initiative?
Although it's tempting to debunk conspiracy theories, one should not rush to do so if there is substantial evidence to back what the theorists are saying. Lo and behold, there is a long list of such troubling evidence to consider. Here is just a short list:
1. Why does the TSA have to inflict X-rays on everyone getting on a plane in the US? This would make sense if it involved only travel to/from abroad but not for inter-state travel; nor does it make sense to subject children, the elderly and the disabled to these measures. Isn't it enough that our foods are being irradiated and that we are all suffering from radioactive waste disposal exposure? Radiation is cumulative and there is no such a thing as "safe" levels of radiation, especially for children!
2. What is all that fluoride being dumped into our water supplies doing to us? Make no mistake--fluoride is a dangerous poison (which is why it was used against rats in the early 1900s); the fact that the government insists on making all of us imbibe high amounts of this stuff is, to put it nicely, highly suspicious!
3. Why does the FDA allow so many known toxic substances to be dumped into our foods--especially processed foods? The list is too long to delve into here: monosodium glutamate; Bisphenol-A (found in most canned foods); the top three artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose & saccharin); ammonia in most ground beef; hormones, pesticides and antibiotics in most meats raised in the US; etc.
4. Why does the US government insist that genetically modified foods are perfectly safe and healthy when many scientists (and the whole continent of Europe) disagree?
5. Why continue to deny that vaccines carry more risks than are admitted to--including the use of mercury (which is suspected of being tied to the autism epidemic the US admits it cannot explain)? How trustworthy are many of these vaccines and why is it so farfetched to admit that vaccines could be used as a depopulation tool--if indeed such a motive can be found within government official ranks today?
If the US government ever developed (or presently espouses) a desire to depopulate the earth, then the 5 tools listed above would be excellent means by which to accomplish this task. Another tool that would be useful (abroad) is the use of third world populations for "guinea pig" experimentation. At least one official from Africa has accused the US of such research being conducted on African soil. Is the recent outbreak of Ebola, then, merely a bug that escaped (or was deliberately unleashed) from one such bio-warfare Africa-based facility?
Science or Wild Speculation--Which Should We Use to Guide Us?
Of course, scientific facts and logic always serve a more useful role than mere guessing (even if the "intelligent" kind) or pure speculation. On the other hand, only a fool would disregard anecdotal evidence that just keeps piling up. What if such evidence, furthermore, includes facts heavy enough to sting you in the rear end. One such fact is a US Department of State official calling the Ebola outbreak an "attack" during a press release reading. This actually happened recently. You can hear it for yourself on YouTube (assuming they don't remove it soon).
Another fact is Bill Gates in a presentation talking about the use of vaccines to reduce population numbers. You can hear it from his own lips in one of the videos below ("the Depopulation Agenda . . . "). Folks, the purpose of vaccines is to save and prolong lives, not to reduce populations as Bill Gates says. I'm sure that someone will come up with some funky explanation for what he "actually" meant but there are other sources where he has expressed his desire to depopulate the earth--for everyone's best interest, of course.
Rather than providing you with more evidence that maybe these conspiracy theorists are not as crazy as some would have you believe, what you need to do is read all the material that is being provided below with this article. You don't have to agree or even believe everything you hear and read but, at the very least, you will hear both sides of the story concerning whether the depopulation conspiracies have a leg to stand on or not.
The material presented as "references" here contain lots of interesting information. They talk about Monsanto, for example, and why much of what they do is very suspicious, at best--criminal, at worst. Remember that the more information you seek out and evaluate, the better informed you will be and the better able to make up your own mind.
If you don't want to become a paranoid cynic, that's fine but, whatever you do, don't hide your head in the sand. Ignorance is never bliss--contrary to what you have been told. Whether the government always tells you the truth (and you are very history-ignorant if you believe that) or not isn't the gist of the matter; what matters is "are there things going on around you which may ultimately harm you and the ones you love?"
Look around. Read not just what the mainstream media puts out but what alternative sources have to say. Who is the person speaking or writing? Have they anything to gain by lying to you? Does what they have to say make sense? Almost all catastrophes in history have been heralded or at least partly alluded to by writers. Are you now being warned of terrible things to come?
By all means read the article "So Where Are We Now?" by Zen Gardner. Read about the CHEMTRAIL dilemma being alluded to by many people. Also, what is this "Agenda 21" we keep hearing about. You cannot afford to just ignore warnings we are being given. When you see dark skies and the wind picking up, doesn't that tell you a storm is coming? If the FDA tells you ammonia in your ground beef won't hurt you, what other blatant lies are they telling you?
Does the earth need to be depopulated? Ultimately, you will have to take sides on that issue--that is, unless you end up in a secret FEMA concentration camp somewhere in the boonies. Your opinion won't matter much at that point.
Then again, maybe these depopulation conspiracy theorists are just hallucinating. Is this such a farfetched proposition--considering how much ammonia, MSG, mercury, BPA, hydrogenated oils, nitrates, high fructose corn syrup, chlorine, etc., they are being fed?
Copyright, 2014. Fred Fletcher. All rights reserved.
11. (“Enemy of the State")
12. (“Agenda 21—Codex—FEMA Camps")
13. (“The Depopulation Agenda for a New World Order 21")