In today's fast-paced, complicated and ever-changing society there is no longer any room for uninvolved and unaffected bystanders. Are there people, though, who stand on the sidelines merely watching life go by? Yes, these people, either for the sake of playing it "safe" or because they simply lack the intellectual capacity to realistically assess their place in the world, think that they can, by staying uninvolved, remain mostly unaffected.
For the most part, these people are "dead" wrong.
What we find is that most people today fall into one of three categories. There are sub-categories to fall into but, rest assured, none of them leave anyone "unaffected" (though lack of involvement may, at least on the surface, remain a "choice"). These three main categories are:
As you will soon note, two of these terms refer to the extreme ends of what we might call a "Consumer Type Distinction Line." The other term refers to someone who falls somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. P2 of 4...