Donald Trump's Health-Related Biographical Facts

Since Donald Trump has become the President of the United States, I thought it prudent to provide health-related biographical information about him.  Some of this information you may already know, other facts may come as a surprise.

This information may prove useful to the public for the following reasons:

  • It may illustrate whether he is a good role model (in terms of good/bad health practices, beliefs or lifestyle)
  • It may entertain you
  • It may educate you

Without further ado, here are those critically important (to the stability of political infrastructures everywhere--okay, maybe that's stretching things a bit . . . ) biographical facts:

  1. Donald Trump had a brother who died of complications from alcoholism; this may partly explain why he himself, reportedly, doesn't dabble in this cirrhosis-inducing, brain-cell-killing brew.  This is indeed an important factoid in that it flies in the face of all those false claims that you can't possibly succeed in the business world unless you drink profusely and with as many people as possible--especially with your "closet" alcoholic boss and business contacts.
  2. At 13, Mr. Trump was removed from the Kew-Forest School so he could attend the more rigorous and more personally-demanding (in terms of structure & discipline) New York Military Academy.  This move was supposedly made because of his "behavior problems." Did the boy suffer from ADD, ADHD, or a similar medical condition?
  3. Mr. Trump was able to dodge--excuse us, perhaps that's a presumptuous and politically incorrect term? . . . let's just say he was able to "circumnavigate" around the privilege of joining the Vietnam War due to a "medical deferment." Although Mr. Trump has alluded to "heel spurs" on both feet, we have to wonder if maybe there was another medical problem to speculate about and blame--or, should we instead say, "to be thankful for?"
  4. In spite of publicly opposing the use of drugs (which he, reportedly, has never delved into), Mr. Trump let Tara Conner, the 2006 Miss USA winner, keep her crown in spite of having tested positive for cocaine; he did this, we are told, in order to "give her a second chance." Mr. Trump also opposes the use of recreational marijuana but endorses its use for medical purposes.
  5. Mr. Trump, in his well-diversified entrepreneurial pursuits, has delved into all kinds of health-related ventures, including cosmetics, vitamins, urinalysis products and "Trump Vodka."
  6. Mr. Trump has been an avid fan and supporter of boxing and professional wrestling, two sports allegedly responsible for many serious medical injuries over the years for many of its participants. His facilities, in fact, hosted the 1988 Mike Tyson/Michael Spinks boxing match.
  7. Some people have accused Mr. Trump of being less than enthusiastic about protecting the environment.  One example they have given is the golf course he insisted on having built at a "Site of Special Scientific Interest" (such as, perhaps, wetlands where endangered species may reside) in Scotland.  He was also opposed to a wind farm being built near that site. Wind farms can be good for the environment in that they can reduce the need for fossil fuels providing power that can more cleanly be created with wind, water and solar energy.
  8. Trump has spent considerable sums of money in order to profit from the gambling industry--something tied to many social ills, including depression, suicide, violence, and homelessness (for people who lose everything after becoming psychologically addicted to gambling). 
  9. Mr. Trump has been accused, like many other American corporation CEOs, of taking away health insurance coverage from his employees (as in the case of Trump Taj Mahal in 2014) as a means of escaping financial woes and bankruptcy.  This appears to be a worsening trend, though, in corporate America--i.e., continuously forcing Americans to work for less & less money and fewer & fewer benefits.
  10. Mr. Trump appears to be indecisive (apparently flip-flopping over the years) on the subject of abortion. He claims to be "pro-life" but also, supposedly, opposes late-term abortions (except for incest, rape or health complications).  Such flip-flopping has also been seen on his support (or lack thereof) for LGBT rights, especially in regards to his claiming to be a Christian.
  11. Mr. Trump is on record denying that some man-created forces are bringing about potentially dangerous "climate change" to planet earth, possibly culminating in global warming. It's possible, though, that, like many people who have formed opinions on this subject merely on feelings (as opposed to scientific facst) or misinformation (sometimes put out by the oil, nuclear power and coal industries, who are fearful that the damage they are doing to the planet may negatively affect their profit margins--once people realize what is at stake), he hasn't been acquainted with the overwhelming and undeniable science at hand (such as the fact that polar bears may be facing extinction because their waters have become too warm to support the ice floes that they need in order to be able to get out of the freezing water periodically or the fact that much of the sea wildlife on which they depend on for food has been decimated, most likely by the global-climate-change-inflicted damage to the oceans). 
  12. Mr. Trump has expressed an interest in improving the healthcare provided for military veterans; unless this is just another empty promise (such as the many made by both Republican and Democratic candidates in the past) to just get elected, such improvements may be sorely needed since most health experts agree that the resouces and benefits made available to veterans can be much better managed than they have been in the past 10 years (or more). 
  13. An assassination attempt was thwarted against Mr. Trump, supposedly by an illegal alien in Las Vegas shortly before Republican National Convention. Considering the fact that he has alluded to possibly fixing the Federal Reserve Bank fiasco (i.e., a private bank being put in charge of all government money--one of the main reasons the US economy is in such a deplorable mess), it's likely that more such attempts will take place, possibly by the same group that took out John F. Kennedy (who also alluded to wanting to dismantle this same money-laundering-at-the-highest-levels banking scam). 
  14. Mr. Trump agrees with those who say federal funding should be reduced (if not altogether withdrawn from) for Planned Parenthood. 
  15. Mr. Trump is said to support the Second Amendment; accordingly, he opposes gun control. He would also like to include "mental health" status as part of more comprehensive criminal background checks for anyone buying or owning guns.
  16. Politifact has singled out Donald Trump's often "confusing, vague and contradictory language." This may be a professional strategy/style or it can also indicate symptoms of the brain fog and mental deterioration brought about by monosodium glutamate (excessively found in most processed and fast foods), genetically modified organisms (or GMOs), fluoridated water, mercury (in vaccines, fish and dental amalgam fillings), Aspartame (an artificial sweetener), brominated vegetable oil (found in soda & other products), etc. Then again, most rich people are wise enough to avoid these poisons mostly (and deliberately) inflicted on the poor.   
  17. Mr. Trump supports capital punishment.
  18. Donald Trump opposes Obamacare and has promised to replace it with something better.
  19. Incredibly, Mr. Trump doesn't see a problem with the use of torture devices and techniques on so-called "terrorists." Critics wonder, though, how we can be assured that such cruelty will be limited to "terrorists" (an admittedly vague term that could easily be used against anyone, including journalists who can't be bought or people who simply criticize/oppose government and corporate abuses)? How do we know that such unsupervised, behind-closed-doors policies won't be abused? After all, as Lord Acton long ago reminded us "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!" Has Mr. Trump found a magical way to stop that from ever happening during his administration?
  20. Perhaps one of the most troubling health-related facts about Donald Trump is his desire to cut the EPA's budget.  Mr. Trump may not know this, but the only reason we still have any drinkable water in the US (something other large developed countries, like China and Brazil, can't say with the same confidence) is because of the EPA.  If anything, we need to get the EPA to do more (which requires an increased budget, not a reduction) to protect the environment, especially from such big polluters as the mining, oil, coal and radioactive-materials industries.  The big corporations that deal with these things have been busy polluting our global supplies of fresh water--all in the name of almighty "profits."  If anything, we need a President who will work harder to protect the environment, not someone who will sell out to these shameful, greedy polluters!
  21. Mr. Trump has been criticized for considering the possibility that vaccines may inflict or contribute to the development of autism.  This means that Mr. Trump is smart enough to not have been brain-washed by the mainstream media, which has sold out to the profit-obsessed vaccine industry.  There is indeed strong scientific evidence linking vaccines to autism--period!  The only people who deny that these days are people who restrict their research to for-sale mainstream media sources and/or who benefit from hiding/ignoring the truth.
  22. Mr. Trump is a workaholic--as exemplified by his usually eating lunch at his desk while working.  This can be rather bad for your health, depending on how much your personal life deteriorates because of your work obsession.  Mr. Trump admits, for example, that his wives had to compete with his "affection for work;" this may explain why his marriages ended up in divorce more than once. 
  23. Mr. Trump was accused by a sibling of elderly abuse of his father by applying "undue influence on a dementia-stricken Fred Sr" to basically short-change said sibling on the father's will.  It's not clear whether Mr. Trump (and the other family members accused) were guilty or not of the allegation.
  24. Mr. Trump is, reportedly, a germaphobe.  Accordingly, he prefers to not shake hands.
  25. Either Donald Trump is medically paranoid or he truly enjoys being involved in lawsuits, considering how often he's been involved in suits, either as a defendant or as a plaintiff.  One example of his possible paranoid delusions was his lawsuit against Palm Beach County for, supposedly, "pressuring the FAA to direct air traffic over his home."  Another possible indication of mental illness is Mr. Trump's penchant to "resist self-analysis."  People who realize they may have serious flaws or, what's more serious, mental illness, will fight any attempts to be analyzed.  After all, analysis may lead to a painful or difficult-to-deal with diagnosis.


There is no question that Donald Trump has already left an indelible mark in the history books, in spite of not being done with his accomplishments and his, otherwise, acts of indiscretion.  He is, after all, one of the best well-known celebrities, enviably because he has been able to keep his feet in both the entertainment and the business arenas. 

This is, arguably, no small feat, considering the fact that not too many other people have been able to accomplish this as well as he has.  Ronald Reagan, for example, went from the entertainment industry into politics with great success but, let's face it, Mr. Reagan had not been as successful in his former profession as he was in the next one.  In fact, Reagan was mediocre, at best, as an actor; Trump can hardly be referred to as "mediocre" in the business world.

What makes it more impressive (as well as entertaining) is the fact that, now, Donald Trump will be stepping into yet another arena (politics) with as much pizzazz and flair as he used in the other arenas.  In fact, even if he were to lose the presidential elections, he will still come out of it a winner, considering the fact that, henceforth, he can vie for whatever political office he may desire (including the presidency in the future) and, most likely, win.

Beyond that, his life will henceforth be more closely analyzed and monitored by both the media and the public.  It's an evitable consequence of becoming a "super" celebrity.  While his biographical health-related facts may not necessarily become the most focused on in the future, they can certainly reveal important aspects of the man, as these examples hopefully well illustrate.

Copyright, 2016.  Fred Fletcher.  All rights reserved.

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8/17/2016 7:00:00 AM
Fred Fletcher
Written by Fred Fletcher
Fred Fletcher is a hard working Consumer Advocacy Health Reporter. Education: HT-CNA; DT-ATA; MS/PhD Post-Graduate Certificates/Certifications: • Project Management • Food Safety • HIPAA Compliance • Bio-statistical Analysis & Reporting • Regulatory Medical Writing • Life Science Programs Theses & Dis...
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I had to quit reading!! This is just a Liberal HIT PIECE on President Trump~
Posted by Mary-Jo Wiese
I find this hot piece on trump a bunch of fake news as always
Posted by Jan alma
Hey, Sugar, how you've been? I've been away but I'm back. Fred, Trump, if he's for real ain't going to be around for very long. If he's just another "put-on," which is likely, then he'll be fine. His job is probably to just to keep Americans occupied while the real "bring-down America" agenda goes on as scheduled. Keep up the good work.
Posted by Christiana Ayimba, PhD

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