A Zika Virus IQ Test--What's Your Score?--with Answers

Some people say that knowledge is power.  This is especially true when it comes to health matters.  By knowing what health dangers are out there, for example, you can take measures to protect yourself.  In other words, you can avoid succumbing to or being inflicted with something which may adversely affect your health--sometimes in permanent ways or, worse yet, leading to fatal consequences.

While the Zika virus doesn't appear to be as dangerous as, say, the Ebola virus, it does appear to inflict serious harm, especially if you are pregnant or plan to get pregnant in the near future.  Actually, we don't know exactly how dangerous the Zika virus is but, as things stand right now, the most influential health-information agencies (i.e., the CDC, the WHO, etc.) are saying that the Zika virus appears to be capable of inflicing a number of specific serious health conditions, including one involving the imperfect development of brains/skulls of some newborns.

Even though many facts about the Zika virus are still somewhat sketchy, there are many things that, at this point, can be presented as "facts"--even if some of these are not 100% established as so.  The following questions will test your knowledge of these facts as they stand right now.  If in doubt as to whether something is true or false, go by what the health authorities are advocating through their websites, press releases and comments to the public, not just by what you personally believe or theorize.

Regarding this last proviso, note that the following questions will mostly avoid so-called "conspiracy theories" (or what some people may more accurately call "alternative hypotheses").  As such, you won't be asked what ulterior motives Oxitec, for example, may have had in releasing bioengineered mosquitoes in South America; you may, however, be asked about the theories that have been proposed as to what the Zika virus is really all about, in the eyes of conspiracy theory/alternative hypotheses critics.

This test consists of 70 questions; each is worth 2 points.  If you answer all questions correctly, you will get a score of 140--essentially, this means that you are a genius when it comes to Zika virus news.  A score of 120 means that you possess an above-average IQ; a score of 100 means that you are well-informed; between 70 and 100 means that you have an adequate understanding of the issues, although you probably don't know enough to write an essay about it; below 80 means that you are, well, developmentally-disabled on the subject.  If scoring below 40, you are, metaphorically-speaking, comatose, albeit only in reference to the Zika virus (at least, one hopes so).

Of course, maybe the Zika virus is one of those things which you can just ignore, under the assumption that it most probably won't affect you or people you care about.  There are peripheral issues to the Zika virus, though, that may make such expectations dangerously naive. 

In an effort to control the Zika virus, for example, the world is planning to spray tons of insecticides and pesticides all over the planet.  If you think that such far-reaching programs won't affect you and the environment around you, you are living in a dangerously delusional world of you own.

Without further delays, here's that IQ test, with answers; if you wish to take this test before viewing the answers, see the posting under the same title that doesn't include the words "with answers." The answers in this posting are in bold letters. 

1. How is the Zika virus mainly spread?

a. Through ticks

b. Through mosquitoes

2.  What is one of the classic symptoms of the virus?

a.  Conjunctivitis

b.  Psoriasis

3.  How often is Zika virus disease deadly?

a.  Often

b.  Rarely

4.  How long do the infected usually stay sick or symptomatic?

a.  3 weeks to a month

b.  3 to 10 days

5.  What percentage of people infected with the Zika virus get noticeably sick?

a.  60 %

b.  20 %

6.  How serious is the sickness of the infected--in most cases?

a.  Mild

b.  Severe

7.  Which of these symptoms does not belong on the list (for the infected that get sick)?

a.  Fever

b.  Cataracts

8.  Which of the Aedes mosquitoes bite people and infect them with the Zika virus?

a.  The males

b.  The females

9.  Why do mosquitoes bite people, thereby spreading the virus?

a.  So they can provide protein-rich meals for their eggs

b.  So they can feed on the blood, their main source of food

10.  The Aedes mosquitoes is not around in the daytime; they only bite people at night.

a.  True

b.  False (although mosquitoes can be nocturnal, the Aedes species is an exception)

11.  What is another viral disease spread by the same Aedes mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus?

a.  Dengue (both belong to a febrile class of diseases)

b.  Lyme disease

12.  Is there a vaccine available for the Zika virus?

a.  Yes

b.  No

13.  What is one item that can greatly help protect against mosquito bites but not mentioned much?

a.  Anti-mosquito venom shots

b.  Hats with special anti-mosquito nets attached (in spite of low cost, it's not being proposed much)

14.  What is one of the main weapons against mosquitoes most suggested by health agencies?

a.  Electric zapping machines and hand-held devices that kill mosquitoes on contact

b.  Insect repellents

15.  What is one chemical that may be applied to clothing to protect against mosquitoes?

a.  Permethrin

b.  Pyriproxyfen

16.  Which larvicide is most suspected of causing microcephaly in babies born to some women in Brazil?

a.  Roundup (glyphosate)

b.  Pyriproxyfen (actually, it's a more likely suspect than the Zika virus)

17.  Which type of medicine is generally not recommended for Zika virus infected persons?

a.  NSAIDs (in case the patient has dengue, which can lead to hemorrhage)

b.  Acetaminophen

18.  Can the Zika virus ever be passed from one infected person to another through the blood?

a.  Yes (there appear to have been limited cases of this happening)

b.  No

19.  Is there any indication that the Zika virus may be sexually transmitted?

a.  Yes (again, there appear to have been limited cases of this happening)

b.  No

20.  At what stage can an infected person pass the Zika virus on to another person?

a.  While symptomatic or within the viremic stage (usually not exceeding 30 days)

b.  While swollen, after recovering from fever but still receiving treatment (not to exceed 8 days)

21.  Which is not a treatment generally given to people infected with the Zika virus and symptomatic?

a.  Kept warm to prevent having seizures (this wouldn't be recommended for a febrile patient)

b.  Given fluids in order to preven dehydration

22.  Once immune to the virus, can a person still be made sick by the Zika virus, in general?

a.  Yes

b.  No (unless, of course, it's a new strain of the virus)

23.  What birth defect is the Zika virus suspected of possibly being responsible for?

a.  Microcephaly (given that virus hasn't shown such propensity before, it's a questionable thing)

b.  Microangiopathy

24.  What group of people is especially vulnerable to the Zika virus (suffering the worst effects)?

a.  People of European descent

b.  Pregnant women

25.  What rare auto-immune disorder has been attributed to the Zika virus--i.e., as a possible cause?

a.  Rheumatoid arthritis

b.  Guillain-Barre syndrome

26.  What part of the world was the Zika virus originally found in?

a.  Asia

b.  Africa

27.  Up to not too long ago Zika virus disease was a tropical disease not likely to spread to cold-climate areas?

a.  True (unfortunately, because of global warming patterns, insect distribution may change0

b.  False

28.  Have the mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus ever been found in cold-climate countries?

a.  Yes (apparently, they've been found as far as Canada)

b.  No

29.  Does the Zika virus remain in the blood of an infected person permanently--as far as we know?

a.  Yes

b.  No (some viruses can remain in a dormant stage for long periods--something to keep in mind)

30.  Which of these symptom lists contains a symptom that doesn't belong (for Zika virus-infected people)?

a.  Rash, fever, halitosis, & conjunctivitis (bad breath or "halitosis" is common but unlisted)

b.  Rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis, & fever

31.  Why are antibody tests not necessarily conclusive in diagnosing Zika virus infected persons?

a.  Because they may not necessarily identify the correct virus in question

b.  Because these tests may provide false positives for diseases (like dengue) with similar antibody-producing profiles (anyone who's had one of these febrile diseases would show antibodies)

32.  What's another birth defect that the Zika virus has been associated with thus far?

a.  Spina bifida

b.  Intracranial calcifications (these defects just haven't gotten as much press as microcephaly)

33.  What are three problems babies with microcephaly may go on to experience (according to current data)?

a.  Visual problems, hearing loss & seizures

b.  Hypertension, hepatomegaly & Crohn's disease

34.  Microcephaly has only recently been viewed as a plausible outcome of Zika virus infection.

a.  True (at best, it's a connection which raises legitimate suspicion)

b.  False

35.  What are some confirmed (from past cases) causes of Microcephaly?

a.  Cytomegalovirus, malnutrition & alcohol abuse (all things that may lead to microcephaly)

b.  Pyriproxyfen, glyphosate & acetaminophen

36.  What are three suspected malicious motives for the Zika virus possibly being used as a bioweapon?

a.  Depopulation agendas, to open the door for abortions in S. America & to increase sale of insecticides

b.  To prove WHO is beneficent; so Monsanto is exonerated; & so more Tiki lamps are sold

37.  Which of these two is scientifically accurate?

a.  Zika virus if a fly-borne arbovirus transmitted primarily by the Albopictus species.

b.  Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus transmitted primarily by the Aedes species.

38.  What type of virus is the Zika virus (viruses contain only one of these two types of genetic material)?

a.  RNA (these types of viruses appear to be more pathogenic & difficult to counter)

b.  DNA

39.  Where are tested samples sent for definitive diagnosis of Zika virus infection?

a.  CDC Arbovirus Diagnostic Laboratory

b.  WHO HIV Diagnostic Laboratory

40.  What is one of the most widely used tests in first-hand diagnosing of Zika virus infection?

a.  Virus-specific Antibody Neutralization Testing (this test is often a follow-up/confirmation test)

b.  RT-PCR (reverse transcription--polymerase chain reaction)

41.   Why should aspirin & other NSAIDs not be given to Zika virus infected patients?

a.  To prevent liver damage (in case patient is also chikungunya-infected)

b.  To reduce risk of hemorrhage (in case patient is also dengue-infected)

42.  Why would American patients be suspected of Zika virus infection?

a.  If they travelled to areas where the virus is prevalent & if symptomatic

b.  If they display a suspicious rash & are having trouble swallowing/speaking

43.  What three countries has the Zika virus been officially declared to be a problem in?

a.  Cucaracha, Pamana & Guacamole (none of these countries actually exist)

b.  Barbados, Honduras & Colombia

44.  What repellent is being recommended that isn't as absolutely safe as the public is being told?

a.  Deet (this chemical is suspected of being responsible for several medical complications)

b.  Bug-off

45.  What health organization is coordinating the fight against Zika virus in South America?

a.  Sabado Gigante (SG) (this is just a popular TV program)

b.  Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

46.  What two mosquitoes are mainly responsible for carrying/spreading the Zika virus?

a.  Aegypticus borealis & Albopictus borealis (non-existent insects)

a.  Aedes aegypti & Aedes albopictus

47.  What year was the Zika virus supposedly discovered in the forests of Africa?

a.  1927

b.  1947

48.  Are commercial diagnostic tests for the Zika virus readily/easily available at this time?

a.  Yes

b.  No

49.  What three bodily fluids has the Zika virus been thus far identified in?

a.  Spinal fluid, pulmonary pleura & saliva

b.  Blood, semen & amniotic fluid (only limited cases of these have been supposedly confirmed)

50.  What test may help identify microcephaly before a baby is delivered?

a.  CT scans

b.  Prenatal ultrasound (safest form for imaging for newborns)

51.  We know for sure that a mother cannot transmit the Zika virus through breast-feeding.

a.  True

b.  False (though suspected of being possible, the benefits of breastmilk outweigh dangers--so they say)

52.  Which of these Zika virus-protection suggestion lists includes something that doesn't belong?

a.  Air conditioning, window/door screens, pyriproxyfen ointments, & insect repellents

b.  Long-sleeved shirts/blouses, permethrin-treated clothes, insect repellents, & long pants

53.  What three types of specialists may help children diagnosed with microcephaly cope with their illness?

a.  Orthometrists, phrenologists & transient lobotomists

b.  Clinical geneticists, dysmorphologists, & pediatric neurologists

54.  The Zika virus is available for sale so that any bioterrorist can study & tamper with the pathogen?

a.  True (the rumor is that anyone can buy this pathogen for their own sick amusement or research)

b.  False

55.  The Zika virus was first discovered & has been under the control of a pro-depopulation super-rich family.

a.  True (most of these super-rich families suffer from a god-wannabe complex--go figure!)

b.  False

56.  How has the Zika virus helped to advance biowarfare/bioterrorism research?

a.  By proving that a mosquito can be used as an effective & efficient bioweapon delivery system

b.  By fanning the flames of supposedly unjustified/unsubstantiated conspiracy theories

57.  The Zika virus pandemic has been irresponsibly over-sensationalized by mainstream media.

a. True (you will find many titles that make it look like the Zika virus will crush humanity--how so?)

b.  False

58.  Do the symptoms for Zika virus infection last more than 2 weeks, in general?

a.  Yes

b.  No

59.  What country has experienced the most cases of microcephaly in supposed connection to the Zika virus?

a.  Brazil

b.  Colombia

60.  What is the real cause of microcephaly in Brazil--mostly according to some Argentinian doctors?

a.  Deet

b.  Pyriproxyfen

61.  What is the main outward manifestation of microcephaly?

a.  A smaller than usual head/skull

b.  Comparatively tiny hands & feet

62.  Why can't the Zika virus simply be spotted/diagnosed with conventional microscopes & blood tests?

a.  Because viruses are too small to be seen with most microscopes; only special tests (e.g., PRNT) work

b.  Because viruses must be destroyed & studied with electron microscopes; they aren't in the blood

63.    Which list contains a non-congenital infection that may be tested for in Zika virus suspected cases?

a.  Toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus & herpes simplex

b.  Ebola, Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis, & Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (Ebola doesn't belong)

64.  Conditions that may be associated with Zika virus but not mentioned too much by the press include:

a.  Ventriculomegaly, pachygyria, clubfoot, & intracranial calcifications

b.  Halitosis, diverticulitis, alopecia & parkinson's (none of these have been associated with Zika)

65.  People previously infected with other flaviruses (i.e., yellow fever) pose diagnostic challenges for Zika?

a.  True (because they may display antibodies similar to those produced during a Zika virus infection)

b. False

66.  What proposed solution will likely do more harm in the long run than the Zika virus?

a.  Limitlessly & aggressively bombard the countryside & cities with the most toxic pesticides known to man (too many of these chemicals are already found in our food, water & air)

b.  Prohibit every woman in mosquito-overwhelmed areas to ever get pregnant again

67.  What are two things people can do to greatly decrease chances of getting bitten by Aedes mosquitoes?

a.  Move to a freezing-temperature area & start pouring pyriproxyfen in your drinking water

b.  Wear skin-covering clothing/paraphernalia & get rid of any standing water near your property, if possible

68.  Why do some experts claim that the Zika virus isn't as dangerous as it is being portrayed?

a.  Because a vaccine will easily be found soon; it only threatens 3rd world countries; it hasn't killed anyone

b.  Because it has a low virulence, lethality, & the sicknesses it supposedly imparts haven't been proven

69.  What type of fever does the Zika virus generally inflict?

a.  A low-grade type

b.  A serious, high, life-threatening type

70.  Even though mosquitoes are the vector for Zika virus, suspected reservoir species are monkeys & rodents.

a.  True (these were/are the original carriers of the pathogen)

b.  False


Although much of the information about the Zika virus will change as time goes by, it's still important to know about this potential threat to everyone'e health; that can only be accomplished by keeping up with the information as it becomes available to the public.  We may, for example, find out whether the Zika virus is responsible (or not) for microcephaly and the other medical conditions now suspected of being tied to the virus. 

Just because the virus has been found in the bodily fluids of post-mortem specimens of patients suffering from these conditions (including microcephaly), by the way, does not mean that the virus caused the condition.  It may simply be that these people were infected with the virus while succumbing to a medical condition or were infected after the condition had already been inflicted by something else (i.e., a chemical or another pathogen).

If you do well in this test, it means that you are better prepared than other people who may not know as much as you.  On the other hand, if you failed to get a good score, it may simply mean that you need to read up on the topic somewhat more.  In other words, it's not the end of the world.

The good news is that, if you weren't very knowledgeable about the Zika virus before you took this test, you will be after taking it--if you take the time to look up any information you were not aware of and use the test as a learning tool. 

Good luck!

Copyright, 2016.  Fred Fletcher.  All righsts reserved.


1.  http://www.cdc.gov/zika/

2.  http://www.vox.com/2016/2/2/10893526/zika-virus-disease-spread-history-cases

3.  http://www.techtimes.com/articles/120952/20160102/everything-you-need-to-know-about-zika-virus-facts-signs-symptoms-and-treatment.htm

4.  https://www.wellness.com/blog/13279242/zika-virus-11-most-dangerous-concerns/fred-fletcher

5.  http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/305163.php

4/19/2016 7:00:00 AM
Fred Fletcher
Written by Fred Fletcher
Fred Fletcher is a hard working Consumer Advocacy Health Reporter. Education: HT-CNA; DT-ATA; MS/PhD Post-Graduate Certificates/Certifications: • Project Management • Food Safety • HIPAA Compliance • Bio-statistical Analysis & Reporting • Regulatory Medical Writing • Life Science Programs Theses & Dis...
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