Help people live healthier and happier lives - All Thoughts

Posted by Wendy B
Simple sustainable changes may be challenging but can make a difference.

Having worked as a wellness nurse helping people with chronic illness make positive changes in their life has taught me each person comes with their unique nature and different people are motivated to act by different means.

Providers take the time to listen to your clients and they will teach you how to help them the most.
Posted by Laurie Van's many small positive changes that make a big difference in the final outcome. In my online diabetes program (, I encourage people to first make the changes that come easy. Those changes, alone, can make a world of difference. The more difficult changes are then less overwhelming and can be tackled one at a time.
Posted by Alameda Counseling Associates
That is true but making a decision for change does not have to be that large. It can be as small deciding to turn off the television 30-minutes earlier to feel more rested in the morning therefore giving you more patience during the day.

The thing that makes many of us feel stuck is how overwhelming the thought of juggling all the pieces can feel. Start much smaller to create a chain reaction.
Posted by Laurie Van
I understand that we can't let fear prevent us from truly living. On the other hand, our lives are complicated and the decisions we make impact others and can sometimes have negative lifelong (and beyond) implications. Happiness is not the only thing we must juggle when we make life decisions.
Posted by Alameda Counseling Associates
Today I had a friend talk to me about being stuck and unhappy in her situation. We have had many talks about her situation over the years. Today I said to her "you are making the decision to be unhappy by doing nothing differently." What that means is if you do nothing you will guarantee the same result of being unhappy. If you change something you doing about the situation, you have the hope of causing a change.
Posted by John Valenty
My whole life's mission and business is to help people live healthier, happier and more successful lives. Frankly I'm not sure want to do with people who don't want to be healthy. Unhappy people seem to want to be unhappy. They take the mere suggestion of being happy, appreciation, self love and self respect as a threat. How many times can you tell people their beverages and their attitudes are killing them before they change?
Posted by Deepika Rajapaksa
the life is a some promise fulfil it !
Posted by Charity George D.C
As a Chiropractor it is my goal to help people live a more mobile, energetic and over all healthier lifestyle.
Posted by Dr. Harold Miller
cI use cognitive behavior therapy. It is appropriate for a wide range of conditions. I have excellent results in treating anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and depression. I use a modified cognitive behavior therapy when treating couples. The therapy has been quite effective when treating couples. I have also been effective using hypnotherapy. I have taught therapy skills for 27 years. In addition, I have been in private practice for the last 10 years. I have worked in a multitherapist environment during my private practice years. A portion of my practice included working as a psychologist in a physical rehabilitaion treatment center. I have a very wide range of experience. I have a very wide range of patient conditions. The feedback I have received from my patients indicated that they find me welcoming and effective.
Posted by Rick Wright, Orthodontic Specialist
My goal is to exceed my patients' orthodontic expectations with a great final result. To make a positive change in both children's and adults' lives is personally very gratifying