Help people live healthier and happier lives - All Thoughts

Posted by Vera Jones
I help others to live healthier, happier lives by introducing them to healthy, chemical free products that we all buy and use every day. It is my mission in life to help as many children as I can to live in healthier, non-toxic homes by sharing information with their parents. I love children and I love pets & I want to see them in safe environments.
Posted by LizHazelmyer
My city job was actually BAD for people's health as they were working in poor conditions exposed to chemicals. I think part of the stress was the conflict with my inner values. I think inner conflict is a HUGE stressor.\n\nMy business is about helping people live healthier and happier lives. One good side of the economy is that it'll shake people out of their comfort zone and hopefully motivate them to make more harmonious choices for themselves.
Posted by Antonio C. Fernando, DC
Food for thought: You can have 80% Liver Failure before you know you have liver failure. \n\nFood for thought: If you unplug the "Check Engine Light" on your car dashboard, does it mean your car's engine is ok?\n\nFood for thought: The first symptom of a heart attack is...a heart attack.\n\nTrue Wellness is prophylatic in nature. It's anticipatory. It is not Crisis Management. \n\nThe true nature of Medical Care is "Crisis Management". Once the "crisis" is over, Wellness Care must take over.\n\nMost people live their lives in a Crisis Management Mode. Once they are "saved" from their crisis event (think heart failure), they are left on their own to "clean up the mess" that Crisis Management (Medical Care) left behind (think effects of a tornado on your house. Then think if you have no home insurance).\n\nFood for though: Every cell in every organ of your body is forever changed by the effects of "crisis management".\n\nFood for thought: Everyone needs a Wellness Coach!
Posted by James Nemec LMT, CST-D
CranioSacral unlocks fluid passageways along the spine -- "cranium and sacrum." All ages. \n\nAuthor of, "Journeys: Stories Our Bodies Can Tell," lyrical case histories in craniosacral therapy anyone can read and benefit from. Also, "Touch the Ocean: The Power of Our Collective Emotions," winner of the National Best Books Award 2008.\n\n"Nemec is celebrated for his ability to combine science and intuition to heal those previously beyond help." -- Harvard COOP.
Posted by Greg Jasnikowski
If more people were aware of proper form and technique of exercises we wouldn't have had some many injured individuals out there. \n\nMy mission is to teach whole world via my website safe and effective exercises that can be performed at home with very little or no equipment. \n\nI believe that 20 minutes a day of proper exercises is enough to get back or stay in good shape. \n\nI am able to train up to <url removed> people via my website and I invite everybody that may benefit of it. \n\n
Posted by Colleen
I want to help people live healthier and happier lives through discovering their life purpose and taking steps to pursuing this! We are happiest when we are doing what we were born to do! Life Coaching can help you discover your unique purpose in life, then set and attain goals towards living a life of purpose. The result? Happier, healthier lives!
Posted by maria k
As a certified Massage Therapist, I want to introduce the benefits and advantages of massage to more people. All of us need to clear our heads, take better care of ourselves (both inside and out, mentally and physically), slow down, rejuvinate, and refresh. Massage is one of the best ways to do just that: healing mind, body, and spirit.
Posted by ecobodysoaps
This is not an AD but a statement.\n\nI stared the company <url removed> \nbecause, I got tired of products not doing what they say. These soaps are 99.9% Organic natural soaps. With scents such as lavender ( relaxing) Lemond Grass ( anti depressant) and CoCO (smooth to the touch) , Mint ( stimulates) 100% Olive oil , shea butter and black soap. I start my day off using ecobodysoaps and let me tell you, it's amazing , no fragrance or preservatives. \n\nWhat a beautiful way to start my day and I will never go back to soaps with chemicals.\n\n
Posted by Blazendeb
Unfortunately we take in more toxins through the air, the food we eat and the things we put on our skin than our grandparent were exposed to 50 years ago. But there are ways to eliminate a lot of toxins by paying attention to labels of everything we use. Just to name one chemical that is in our food and skin/hair care products is propylene glycol. It is the main ingredient of anti freeze, however the FDA says in such small trace amounts it is not harmful. Here is a question you should ask yourself...What is a trace amount of poison doing in my consumable items?\n\nThis is only one of many toxins that is allowed in our food. Think about it...
Posted by Marilyn Delerme, D.C.
Health is a Journey .... Not a destination