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by Paisley Hansen Most people think the effects of age only set in at about mid-life. First you’re young, then you suddenly wake up with arthritic knees that can predict a coming storm. You fall asleep in a slightly wrong position and wake up with a back that hurts so much you can barely make it through the work day sitting at your desk. However, aging starts long before any external signs are apparent. It’s best to... 10/16/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Cutting back on dairy? You can skip cheese, milk, and yogurt and still get enough calcium. Greens, beans, nuts, fish, and fruit are all calcium-rich and power-packed with fiber and other nutrients. According to the Mayo Clinic, women need about 1,000 mg of calcium daily during the ages of 19-50; 1200 mg per day at 51 and older. For men, their bodies need about 1,000 mg of calcium daily from the ages... 11/25/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Sometimes you have no choice but to hold it. Who hasn’t regretted that second cup of coffee on a road trip or getting a beer at a concert or big game? Waiting until you’re uncomfortable might not be harmful if you’re healthy or you do it infrequently. If you have certain health conditions, or if you hold your pee too often, you could be putting yourself at risk for some unpleasant complications.Holding... 12/13/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Thanks to better nutrition labeling, increased awareness and science-based nutrition education, Americans are now consuming a healthier diet than they did in years past. Many people are paying more attention to nutrition labels and striving to make healthier food choices and are then surprised to learn that there are several hidden, unhealthy fillers and additives in many of the foods they eat. These... 10/23/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Our sense of smell is simply amazing - and it's easy to take that for granted. Believe it or not, the nose has a lot of power over the rest of the body. Aromatherapy might seem like a strange approach to treating so many physical ailments, but there could be more to it than we think. We’ve found some uses worth checking out...Aromatherapy uses essential oils from over 40 different medicinal plants.... 10/15/2023 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 41.6% of the US population has a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiencies can be linked to lower energy levels, and immune system function as well as a number of diseases, including multiple sclerosis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) and cancer. Are you getting enough vitamin D for optimal health? How the Body Makes and Uses Vitamin... 12/16/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor What do your lungs have in common with your gut? Would you believe poor cardiovascular fitness could increase your chances of developing cancer in both? One study found an interesting link between these types of cancer and cardiovascular health.A recent study investigated the connection between cardiovascular fitness and cancers of the lung and bowel. Researchers found people who scored best on an... 6/20/2024 4:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Biologically speaking, the afternoon crash is hardwired into our systems. The body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, regulates sleepiness and wakefulness throughout the day and night. Unfortunately for our productivity, this rhythm has a penchant for afternoon naps.While everyone’s internal clock differs to some degree, most people are sleepiest between 2 to 4 a.m. and between 1 to 3 p.m — hence,... 1/10/2025 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Some of the most bacteria-laden items we touch daily are not found out in the dirty, grimy world-at-large. They’re actually in our homes. Household items, especially personal items that are regularly in contact with our skin, are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and other nasties. According to Time, items that stay moist or wet, such as kitchen sponges, hand towels, toothbrushes and toothbrush... 11/21/2024 5:00:00 AM
by Wellness Editor Exercising can be hard to fit into a tight schedule, and with so many other demands taking up our free time, many of us feel like we need a way to burn some extra calories. We went looking for ways to burn calories without exercising. And found some great results. Get the details below on how you can burn calories without exercising, too. Take a Hot Bath People who enjoy a good, hot soak have one more... 1/3/2025 5:00:00 AM
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