Drinking on an occasional or social basis might not seem like a huge deal. Many of us have a drink or two after work or when out with friends. But some significant health benefits come from going just one month without a drink. Some people do a Dry January, but any month is a good month to abstain from alcohol for better health. Check out the health benefits that may come with not drinking for 30 days....
5/25/2021 7:00:00 AM
What if viewing a certain type of entertainment could enhance our health? Or at least, what if it should be taken seriously as a wellness strategy? Start popping the popcorn as you discover below how watching horror movies may benefit us both physically and mentally. 3 Ways Scary Films Benefit Our Bodies Whether we grew up watching horror movies with mom and dad or discovered scary films as adults,...
5/20/2021 7:00:00 AM
Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been one of the greatest puzzles in modern medicine. No one has been able to fully solve it, yet. A recent discovery, though, could bridge what has long been a gap in our understanding of MS progression. Even more, researchers may have landed on a breakthrough that could well open the doors to a permanent cure in humans. Multiple Sclerosis Immune Function MS is a chronic,...
5/20/2021 7:00:00 AM
A blood test’s overall accuracy can be vital to early, life-saving treatment in various conditions. Diagnostics have come a long way, but current limitations can still delay detection in cases where low levels of infection are present.New tests using nanodiamonds in place of other materials appear to dramatically improve the results, making it possible to detect numerous infections far earlier than...
5/20/2021 7:00:00 AM
Some of us may find that the older we get, the harder it is to maintain a healthy weight. A few different factors can contribute to this unfortunate shift, but we don’t have to resign ourselves. If that weight is making you uncomfortable, we've got strategies to help you ditch it. It really is possible to lose weight after 50. 1. Build Muscle to Boost Metabolism We lose skeletal muscle tissue as we...
5/19/2021 6:10:32 PM
The kitchen has been called the heart of the home. But as it turns out, the design of your kitchen may actually impact our hearts — and the rest of our health, as well. Most people move into homes with layouts they like, and they don’t try to change them too much. But even if our kitchen’s “footprint” is fixed, there are some things we may be able to do to improve the design. In turn, that design change...
5/19/2021 5:18:25 PM
One-hundred-fifty-four thousand people died from lung cancer in 2018. And it's not choosy, attacking people of wealth, people who seem otherwise healthy, and even people who never smoked. It's something most have considered untreatable for a long time, but that may be changing. With the right treatment, lung cancer patients may have the opportunity for a longer, healthier life. Fortunately, a new immunotherapy...
5/18/2021 6:37:55 PM
Resistance bands may be a great alternative to weights, but only if we use them the right way. Unfortunately, they often don’t come with many instructions, so maybe we’ve all been using them wrong? Using them incorrectly can lead to injury, sure, but it can also prevent us from getting all of the benefits we're hoping for. Let’s take a closer look at how to use resistance bands correctly. Lat Pulldowns...
5/18/2021 7:00:00 AM
Neck pain can be debilitating. It feels as though it's connected to every movement because, well, it is. We expect the neck to hold up this heavy bowling ball, to respond to every twitch and turn, and more recently we've started asking it to assume strange positions as we stare at our screens all day. So why are we always so surprised when it starts to hurt? Fortunately, there are some great ways to...
5/17/2021 4:04:20 PM
Most of us are familiar with intellectual intelligence markers as expressed by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) measurement. But with greater frequency, universities, corporations and individuals evaluate emotional intelligence (EQ) as a predictor of work performance, socialization, relationship stability and even physical and mental health. Let’s take a look at how and why we should all do the work...
5/12/2021 7:00:00 AM