Posts by Wellness Editor

Artificial sweeteners once seemed like the holy grail, only to disappoint many with the news of their harmful effects on the gut. Then came stevia, the natural extract of a plant with a sweetness of 200-300 times that of sucrose. People rejoiced! they could have sweet things without sugar and without chemical sweeteners. This seemingly safer alternative has grown in popularity over recent years, but...
6/10/2021 7:00:00 AM
As each year passes, the body’s metabolism naturally declines. That, combined with hormone fluctuations and lifestyle changes or slowing down due to things like arthritis can mean extra pounds really start to pile on. Or maybe you weren't really concerned with your weight because mid-life was packed with kids and a hectic life but now as you slow down a little those extra pounds really start to cause...
6/10/2021 7:00:00 AM
With new and better treatments, fighting cancer is a battle more people are winning. But some types of cancer may be more likely to recur, and a blood test to check for that could make it easier to catch the recurrence early on. Here’s what we know about this promising new development. Colorectal Cancer is a Common Type of Cancer Each year in the United States, approximately 148,000 people are diagnosed...
6/9/2021 5:51:23 PM
Our moods may be more dependent on the people around us than we realize. We might tend to think we wake up and feel a certain way based on circumstances but that's probably not as true as we'd like to think. There’s a lot of strength in the words of others, especially when we’re feeling angry or vulnerable.A recent study has demonstrated just how powerful validation can be. Here’s how each of us can...
6/9/2021 5:22:13 PM
An estimated 200,000 to 1 million US residents currently suffer from cluster headaches. These painful, recurring attacks are often confused for migraines or other headache disorders, and as a result, may even delay appropriate treatment. Proper identification can help sufferers find relief faster when a headache hits. Anyone with headaches should learn how to tell the difference. Symptoms of Cluster...
6/9/2021 4:59:36 PM
COVID-19 is like nothing we’ve ever previously encountered. It’s surprised the medical community at every turn while also devastating families and communities with its host of unexpected symptoms and high death rate. Aside from mortality, one of the most concerning outcomes might not even present until after the infection has already cleared.An increasing number of people are facing long-haul COVID-19,...
6/8/2021 7:00:00 AM
Does feeling hungry all the time mean that something's wrong? Not necessarily, but there could be medical reasons for the excessive hunger some people experience. It may also be that we’re hungry “in our head,” which isn’t true, physical hunger. Here are six reasons we may be experiencing constant hunger. 1. You’re Not Getting Enough Protein One of the important properties of protein is that it...
6/8/2021 7:00:00 AM
We all seem to have a beverage of choice. Whether it's the evening cocktail, the morning coffee, or the afternoon pick-me-up soda — we really seem to like our beverages. But some of those beverages may actually be causing us long-term harm. Let’s take a look at some of the best and worst options. 1. Best: Water Water is the stuff of life. We can only last three days without it and most of that time...
6/7/2021 9:03:42 PM
Is the polluted air many of us breathe every day putting us at risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more? It turns out that for younger people, this higher risk of health problems caused by exposure to air pollution is a real possibility. Let’s take a look at the link between air pollution and neurodegenerative disease. What Causes Air Pollution? Many factors cause air pollution. The combustion products...
6/7/2021 8:38:49 PM
According to a poll recently published in The Independent, the typical person will have attempted 126 diets throughout their lifetime. Many of us are willing to jump on just about any bandwagon with the promise of improved health or a slimmer waistline — but sticking to a new regimen is often easier said than done — and making it a permanent change is even more difficult. In fact, the average diet...
6/7/2021 6:57:28 PM