Posts by Wellness Editor

Anyone dealing with bunions knows they can be pretty darn uncomfortable. They can change the appearance of your feet but they can also cause pain as they change how you walk. And too many people think they're just something to live with and suffer through when there are some great treatment options available. Like any health condition, though, prevention is the key. So we'll cover that and then talk...
6/7/2021 6:29:04 PM
Spinal cord injuries affect up to 500,000 people each year worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Severe cases can leave individuals unable to care for themselves fully, and most patients have little to no chance of recovering their lost functionality.Given the permanent nature of many spinal cord injuries (SCI), researchers have struggled to find effective treatments, but avenues...
6/7/2021 7:00:00 AM
Loves seems like it should be the ultimate requirement for finding the perfect life partner. But there's much more that we need beyond love. While there are some solid characteristics that every relationship should have, it's ultimately up to us to decide— but based on what? Ahh, we've got you Check this out. 1. Consider How They Handle Tough Times A key element to consider when choosing a life partner...
6/4/2021 7:00:00 AM
For a mother, there is no better feeling on the planet than holding her newborn. It’s a sweet and precious time, but there’s new research that may show just how critical those first few moments are to babies’ long-term wellbeing. New data may actually reveal a medical link between first breaths and sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. Data from this research might help detect SIDS before it happens....
6/4/2021 7:00:00 AM
Ok, so the thought of eating insects might not be the most appealing one. Few of us sit down to dinner and think what we want are some bugs. In general, we can’t even stand the sight of the little creatures, let alone the idea of putting them on a dinner plate. Some of us might even get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it.But consider...could it be possible that we’ve been viewing them from a...
6/3/2021 6:00:09 PM
Blood clots can be frightening and even painful, and worse than that may also put our health at risk. But a new procedure is showing promise when it comes to removing blood clots before they can travel which is key in preventing the worst outcomes. Let’s take a look at what we know. What Causes a Blood Clot? A blood clot occurs when areas of the blood thicken and form a semi-solid mass. Clotting may...
6/3/2021 5:40:12 PM
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in various parts of the body. It can also dampen the immune system, increasing a sufferer’s risks of serious infections. Symptoms often vary between people, with a wide variety of illness that can range from mild to fatal. Treating lupus can be difficult, and many people with the condition find they have symptoms despite...
5/26/2021 5:41:00 PM
Brown fat has a great reputation. Primarily due to its remarkable ability to boost metabolism and burn calories. This fatty tissue, which is less prevalent than the white fat we often associate with obesity, is now gaining even more attention in light of new findings. Studies are showing brown fat has multiple functions and the higher percentage a person has, the more likely they are to be in good...
5/26/2021 4:52:41 PM
A staggering 70% of US residents would feel ill-prepared to handle a medical emergency that required them to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Considering about 88% of all heart attacks occur at home, away from immediate medical care, each of us could potentially save a life by knowing this one skill.Any ability is better than none at all, but the more current the practice, the better the...
5/26/2021 7:00:00 AM
Most of us lose our groove at one point or another, and getting it back can — well, difficult. Problems at work, issues at home and even personal insecurities can take their toll, knocking down our self-esteem and making us feel bad about ourselves. Also, let's not dismiss how we may be feeling post-pandemic and the toll of the last year — some of us make jokes about being a "bucket of bog water" or...
5/25/2021 9:17:18 PM