Posts by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Does your closet contain several different sizes of clothing because you tend to lose weight and put it back on? The experience of yo-yo dieting, or what the experts call weight cycling, is when you intentionally lose weight and then unintentionally gain it all back again. There are deleterious consequences to this vicious cycle, including serious health consequences. Not only is the regained weight...
3/14/2016 7:00:00 AM
Most people know that it is beneficial to eat foods that are rich in fiber. But did you know that the age you begin eating a fiber-rich diet is also important?A study relating dietary fiber consumption to lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease concluded that the younger you are when beginning a high-fiber diet, the better it is for your long-term health. The study found an association between increased...
2/25/2016 8:00:00 AM
You take care of your children, you take care of your spouse, your take care of your home. But are you taking care of yourself? Too often women put themselves last when it comes to their health, and perhaps that is why heart disease has surpassed cancer as the number one killer for women. Simple diet and lifestyle changes could prevent almost all cardiovascular disease. Do yourself and your loved ones...
2/20/2016 8:00:00 AM
Today it is common to have a job that involves sitting at a desk for eight hours a day. And usually we would feel good if we hit the gym a few times a week, or managed to squeeze in a hike on a weekend. However, one major lesson that has come out of research on sedentary behavior is that exercising before or after work—although great to do – does not undo the harm done by sitting all day. Long periods...
2/4/2016 8:00:00 AM
Dieting Mistakes Grazing, snacking, whatever you want to call it, can sabotage any weight loss effort. Contrary to popular belief, eating smaller, more frequent meals to ‘keep blood sugar stable’ is not good advice. According to research, eating more frequently actually appears to promote weight gain.Overall in the United States, we are surrounded by calorie-laden food all the time. We eat more and...
1/18/2016 3:36:01 PM
Did you know that there is an association between eating nuts and seeds and living a longer, healthier life? It’s true. Still, I find people who shy away from eating nuts and seeds because they think of them as fattening. Yes, nuts and seeds are calorie-dense, so they are not for snacking. But they have many wonderful properties and are packed with helpful nutrients, so a more healthful approach is...
1/12/2016 10:00:00 PM
One of my missions is to educate the public about good nutrition. Often I find adults who do not understand how the foods they choose to eat play a significant role in their own health. Such is the case with smoothies. They are very popular right now, but many people load their blenders up with a lot of fruit to make the smoothie sweeter, unintentionally making a high-calorie, high-glycemic drink....
12/17/2015 4:33:05 PM
People talk about the ‘Freshman 15’ – which is the weight gain associated with starting college -- but what about the ‘Holiday 10?’ I am talking about the potential pounds you can gain from overindulging during holiday celebrations. From the stuffing and pies at Thanksgiving, to the Christmas cookies and New Year’s Eve buffets and cocktails, the holidays are full of potential land mines designed to...
11/28/2015 10:00:00 PM
I’ll be traveling to Houston in a few weeks, and that has started me thinking about the arrival of fall, Tex Mex cuisine and tailgating parties. To ward off the chill in the autumn air, the menu at almost every tailgating party features a pot of chili con carne: beans, beef and vegetables in a tomato-based sauce. But while chili is a staple of Tex-Mex cuisine, the meat-heavy dish is dangerous to your...
10/6/2015 9:00:00 PM
Whether you are taking a long-planned vacation or on a business trip, many of us struggle to eat healthy when we are away from home. Finding quality food can be a challenge when in a new place and often your time to explore possible options is limited. Luckily, if you are committed to following a nutrient-dense lifestyle, you do not have to leave your healthy eating habits at home. Here are some strategies...
8/9/2015 9:00:00 PM