We live in a society of food excess, where people have been trained to overeat since childhood. In our society, most people overeat routinely. This is fairly obvious since more than two-thirds of adults in this country are overweight or obese....many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry.Overeating is so deeply ingrained that many people cannot even tell when they are truly hungry. For...
10/19/2024 4:00:00 AM
I frequently get invited to speak to students at school assemblies about nutrition. I really enjoy doing this because so often I find the diets of children lacking in the most fundamental elements of good nutrition. And too often our children are unaware of the impact they can have on their health by choosing better foods to eat. Years ago I published the following list, and sadly what I find is that...
10/24/2023 4:00:00 AM
Losing weight and getting healthy doesn’t have to be complex. Purge your pantry of processed food, don’t use oils and stay away from sugary snacks and drinks. My rules to better health are uncomplicated and easy to follow. No need to measure food or count calories or points. Many people who follow my advice are pleasantly surprised at how uncomplicated my ‘diet’ can be. Here are my simple rules to...
9/20/2023 4:00:00 AM
Confused about what to eat? You aren’t alone. Half the people in a 2017 survey said that conflicting information about what to eat and what to avoid have them second guessing the food choices they make.I have seen this confusion first hand. As a specialist in nutritional medicine, I’ve had patients come to my office sickened after years of eating a diet of the wrong foods; all have been helped after...
7/21/2023 4:00:00 AM
It’s that time of year again. The pollen starts to stir, irritating the millions who suffer from seasonal allergies. While most of us happily welcome the warmer weather, for the estimated 50 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies, spring brings misery. Thanks to the pollen from blooming grasses, weeds and trees, and the spores from fungi and molds, those with allergies will experience...
4/22/2023 4:00:00 AM
Want Beautiful, Healthy Skin? Eat Your Vegetables!Potions, paints and powder are no substitute for a healthy diet.Have you ever noticed that the most coveted style for models and celebrities is a “no-makeup” look? Except for special occasions, like runway or awards shows, most strive to look natural, refreshed and flawless. In our culture, there is a huge emphasis placed on dewy complexions, smooth,...
4/4/2023 4:00:00 AM
Good things do indeed come in small packages! Nuts and seeds are often overlooked as important health foods, but they pack a mighty punch fighting disease, including the nation’s number one killer, heart disease. If you are worried that nuts and seeds are too fattening to be included in your diet, you shouldn’t. While you should definitely avoid eating nuts to excess, adding nuts to the diet helps...
2/3/2023 5:00:00 AM
If you are diagnosed with hypertension don’t be too quick to accept the DASH diet as a nutritional model to lower your blood pressure. This diet is not necessarily the most effective.While the DASH diet would be a marked improvement for most Americans because it includes more vegetables and fruits, fewer sweets, more whole grains and a smaller amount of oil than the typical Western diet, if you want...
12/27/2022 5:00:00 AM
As Nutritarians, we know overripe bananas are great for making tasty smoothies or a healthy ‘nice’ cream, and we also know not to discard the liquid after cooking chickpeas (because aquafaba can be repurposed and used in quiche, mousse, and other traditionally egg-containing recipes).But as you cook, are you throwing out way more than necessary when prepping fruits and vegetables? For example, if you...
8/22/2022 4:00:00 AM
Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a family physician, the author of five New York Times best-selling books, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing and the founder of the Eat to Live Retreat in San Diego, CA. He is a specialist in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Through his retreat, books, television appearances, and popular lecture series, Dr. Fuhrman...
5/20/2022 4:00:00 AM