Sometimes we hear what we want to hear. So we latch onto information that tells us that red wine is good for the heart or that alcohol is okay in moderation. But for greater health and longevity the safest choice is to not drink alcohol at all. Here’s why.Just a few drinks a week can increase breast cancer risk.Women who drink three to six alcoholic drinks a week were found to have a 15 percent increase...
12/12/2016 5:16:41 PM
Do you feel like you are eating well and exercising enough but there are still stubborn pounds that refuse to budge? Our bodies just don't seem to respond like they once did in our youth. Yes, it is true that our metabolism slows down with aging – we burn fewer calories in our normal daily activities making it easier to put on extra weight and all that much more difficult to lose those extra pounds....
12/8/2016 8:00:00 AM
Every parent has a little catch in their throat when their child leaves for the first day of a new school year. No matter the age, this event has a lot of hopes attached to it. To get your child off to the best start, cast aside the issues over what kinds of sneakers to wear, backpacks to carry or school supplies everyone else has purchased. Focus on what really has the potential to place your child...
9/2/2016 9:00:00 PM
Non-diabetic women who have higher than normal blood sugar levels during pregnancy are referred to as having gestational diabetes. In the vast majority of women who have this condition, there are no symptoms of diabetes, and the diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born. But the condition does carry risks for both the mother and the baby, so it is wise to learn how to help avoid this pregnancy...
8/4/2016 8:27:16 PM
New Year’s Eve is the traditional time for making resolutions to lose weight and improve your health. But when you think about it, summer offers many advantages over winter when it comes to following through on your health goals. After all, this is the season when local produce is at its peak: juicy tomatoes, luscious strawberries, crisp greens and vegetables of every hue beckon from grocery stores...
7/6/2016 7:00:00 AM
As a physician who advocates eating an optimal diet in order to reduce the risk of life-threatening illness, I was troubled by news that was presented at a cardiology conference this past April. Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that a severe type of heart attack, known as a STEMI (for ST-elevation myocardial infarction), is occurring in younger patients.This type of heart attack is severe...
6/2/2016 7:00:00 AM
Many conventional diabetes diets rely on meat or grains as the major source of calories. This strategy has serious drawbacks. This type of diet is rich in macronutrients, but lacking in micronutrients, especially those derived from green vegetables. Micronutrients are necessary for the body’s cells to function properly. Even modest micronutrient insufficiency can lead to DNA damage, mitochondrial decay...
5/9/2016 9:00:00 PM
If taking care of your health is something that you intend to do, but you just haven’t gotten around to it yet, consider this: The majority of people who die of sudden cardiac death have no prior warning of significant heart disease. So, no more excuses. A shift in your diet is all that it takes to drastically reduce your risk of heart disease. And this applies to those who already have heart disease....
4/27/2016 7:00:00 AM
With the warm weather approaching, all of us will enjoy more time outside. But when you get thirsty, think twice before reaching for a sugar-sweetened beverage. Drinking sugary drinks has been linked to gaining visceral fat, a dangerous type of body fat linked to serious health risks.There are two types of fat in our bodies: subcutaneous and visceral, and while each carries its own risks, the more...
4/8/2016 9:00:00 PM
“Eat your vegetables.” Sound familiar? But many people do not realize that this message is imperative when it comes to cancer prevention. One of the most profound ways to protect against cancer is to eat a diet featuring vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds. However, among all these healthful foods is one family of vegetables that exceeds all the others in its ability to be an anti-cancer force:...
4/1/2016 7:00:00 AM