Why Sunday is Definitely Soup Night In my house, Sunday is Soup Day. Almost every Sunday I make a huge pot of vegetable bean soup. It is a convenient way to do two important things: make sure that I have a reliable meal on weeknights when I am tired after working all day, and it ensures that the quick, handy meal that I am relying on is nutritious and filling. I use that soup for several days to limit...
9/10/2021 8:00:00 AM
It’s that time of year again, when the cool evening temperatures, changing color of leaves and blooming ragweed trigger allergies and send many running for allergy medications to relieve sneezing, running noses, puffy eyes, itchy throats, wheezing and hacking coughs. However, a nutritarian diet – can offer greater relief this time of year, along with other life-long benefits. A study of 56 different...
8/27/2021 8:00:00 AM
Should I Eat Soy?Confusion surrounds soy and soy products. Are they healthful or harmful? Let’s examine the myths and facts surrounding soy.Not a Magic Pill or a Poison; Just a Bean Compared to other beans, soybeans are unique, possessing a different macronutrient composition. They are higher in protein and fat and lower in carbohydrate than other beans. Soybeans come in a variety of different colors...
8/10/2020 7:00:00 AM
A Nutritarian diet-style is designed to be nutrient rich, protective against disease, and longevity enhancing. But, the most fascinating discovery is the same diet-style that can push the envelope of human longevity, is most effective for long-term weight loss.It is pretty tough to maintain a healthy weight if you always feel like eating more. A recent study published in Nutrition Journal of 768 people...
6/25/2020 7:00:00 AM
I find that adults and children alike will always appreciate and gravitate toward any nutritious item on a buffet table if it looks inviting and tastes good. Today, so many people understand that we are what we eat, and that if you want to look good, feel good and maintain excellent health, you must eat healthfully. We excite all our friends and family when something so healthful, tastes great too.Do...
6/9/2020 7:00:00 AM
The old adage “the best defense is a good offense” has never been so true as during this anxious, unsettling period in our lives when it comes to safeguarding ourselves from the novel coronavirus that has disrupted daily life all over the world.At this crucial time, more than ever, it is vital to make sure you're eating right to bolster your immune system. What we eat has everything to do with our...
6/5/2020 7:00:00 AM
Having trouble finding ways to incorporate more green (and red, yellow, orange and purple) into your day? Try eating vegetables for breakfast! A nutrient-dense selection of vegetables can be a great way to kick-start your day.Need some inspiration? My newest publication, 100 Best Foods for Health and Longevity details the amazing benefits of some of the earth’s most nutritious foods and includes 25...
1/30/2020 8:00:00 AM
Trick or treat! This Halloween, when those cute little witches, ghosts, superheroes and princesses come knocking, give them a real treat. Forget the candy — instead, hand out a treat they can enjoy without harm to their health. Think of what you’re giving those sweet little faces when you hand out sugar-laden sweets of every kind. Candy is the tradition, but childhood diets lay the foundation for health...
10/31/2019 7:00:00 AM
Stuck at a weight plateau? Try adding intermittent fasting to your routine.The use of time-restricted eating (also called intermittent fasting) is gaining popularity for a variety of health reasons, and if you are stuck at a weight and want to lose some more, intermittent fasting might be the help you need.Here’s how it works: In the most basic sense, intermittent fasting means to alternate cycles...
10/4/2019 7:00:00 AM
What do beans, grains, nuts, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers have in common? They have been wrongfully accused of being dangerous because they contain lectin proteins. So say advocates of the Paleo diet websites and books loaded with misinformation. All of which can confuse and harm people who are already eating an insufficient amount of plant foods. What is harmful to our health is promoting this...
6/4/2019 7:00:00 AM