We all tend to over-indulge during the holidays. It’s alwaysfun to eat, drink and be merry, but that after calendar flips, we can be leftwith the heavy weight of extra pounds and the guilt that comes with it. Hereare some tips to ease your way into that sugar detox you are craving:1. Start your morning with 8 ounces of water beforeyou do anything else. It will get you hydrated and your system ready...
12/27/2013 6:40:06 PM
We all tend to over-indulge during the holidays. It’s alwaysfun to eat, drink and be merry, but that after calendar flips, we can be leftwith the heavy weight of extra pounds and the guilt that comes with it. Hereare some tips to ease your way into that sugar detox you are craving:1. Start your morning with 8 ounces of water beforeyou do anything else. It will get you hydrated and your system ready...
12/27/2013 6:40:00 PM
Laughter may be the best medicine, but what if it leaves youwith laugh lines on your face? There is a better way to iron out all thewrinkles than spending a lot of money and going through painful procedures thatare involved with conventional facelift and plastic surgery procedures.Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Treatments (a series of 10sessions, twice a week for five weeks) can make your skin smoother...
12/18/2013 9:16:54 PM
Here’s a painful reminder of getting older (as opposed tothe good news part of still being around). An estimated 18.7 million people experience some type of ongoing pain,according to a recent issue of PAIN, a publication dedicated to its title. The study, which included cognitive and physical performance assessments, was done in community or in residential care facilities, such as retirement or assisted-living...
12/12/2013 7:29:52 AM
Hi Dr. Bradshaw. Ihave been dealing with morning muscle stiffness and joint pain. I exercise fourtimes a week and eat a balanced diet and I do not have arthritis. What can I do?-Susan BMake sure you have a stretching routine before and afteryour workout. Contracting muscles without lengthening them creates short, stiffmuscles. Chiropractic care will make sure there is no spinal misalignments,which...
12/11/2013 8:50:03 PM
It can get really confusing, all the information about whatfoods to eat, which ones to avoid, this one will help your heart and that onewill make you fat. Just walking down any isle in any major supermarket can makeone queasy with all of the bad food choices lined up next to the few goodones. Let’s face it, eating healthy isnecessary for being healthy, but it is also very hard to maintain. When are...
11/20/2013 9:18:42 PM
The number two reason people visit their doctor is backpain. Number one is the flu. Close to eighty percent of people suffer back painat some point in their lives. The good news is that most back pain can betreated and the pain significantly reduced, especially if the diagnosisinvolves mechanical reasons rather than organic ones, like arthritis or cancer.There is a reason that the backbone is used...
11/13/2013 9:51:12 PM
It is estimated that over 158 million people in the US drinktea every day, the Tea Association of the USA tells us. Who knew tea had itsown association, and how do they count all those people? One thing we do knowfor sure is that drinking tea, be it hot or cold, has many health benefits.There have been many studies about antioxidants in tea and the resultingbenefits to your health, including weight...
11/8/2013 7:12:31 PM
The Nov. 5 issue of the journal Arthritis & Rheumatismhas published a study that indicates people with fibromyalgia are not as ableto prepare for pain as healthy people, and they are less likely to respond tothe promise of pain relief. It couldhold the key to understanding why people suffering with the chronic ailmentfeel pain more intensely and don't respond as well to narcotic painkillers. Most people...
11/5/2013 7:36:27 PM
One of the most common forms of headaches is caused bytension. They can occur at any age, but are most common in adults andadolescents. If your headache occurs on a regular basis, say a few times a weekfor several months, your condition is considered chronic. These can occur whenneck and scalp muscles become tense, or contract. The muscle contractions canbe a response to stress, depression, a head...
10/29/2013 6:56:17 PM