Hi Dr. Bradshaw. Ihave been dealing with morning muscle stiffness and joint pain. I exercise fourtimes a week and eat a balanced diet and I do not have arthritis. What can I do?
-Susan B
Make sure you have a stretching routine before and afteryour workout. Contracting muscles without lengthening them creates short, stiffmuscles. Chiropractic care will make sure there is no spinal misalignments,which can lead to stiffness, restricted motion and nerve impingement, whichgets worse over time. Even though you may have a balanced diet of protein,carbs and fats, you still may be lacking basic nutritional elements consistingof B complex, multi minerals & a good antioxidant.
Dr. Bradshaw, I haverecently been dealing with excessive gas, bloating and weight gain. I think mydiet is pretty good, but I only do light exercise since I travel so much.Should I be tested for food allergies?
-Tina G
It sounds like your diet has unbalanced food combinationsfor you and possible yeast overgrowth. A good idea would be to eliminatepotential allergens, sugars and raw foods. An allergy test and digestive detoxprogram could also be beneficial.
Hi, I need your helphere. I have this problem of discomfort when lying down. My neck,lower back and legs have pain and it disrupts my sleep. I don’t seem to havethis issue when standing or sitting. What could be the problem? Am I justgetting old? (I’m only 37!)
I would need more information on your diet and lifestyle tomake a full assessment, but your problem could be as simple as replacing yourexisting mattress and pillows. If that doesn’t do the trick, it may be thatyour lumbar/sacral area may be misaligned. Schedule a checkup with achiropractor. At Relax Holistic, we always give a free consultation with an adjustment.
If you have an issueyou would like Dr. Bradshaw to address, fill out the contact form at relaxholistic.com/contact.html and ask away. Be sure to specify if you want your problemaddressed privately.