Dr. Ellis showed promise, I had found a phycologist who not only specialized in ADHD, but, He himself suffered from ADHD. I was excited to speak w/ a professional about ADHD, as I had been diagnosed late in life with this specific disorder. Finally, someone I could relate to, and uncover some of the secrets of this disorder. Our first meeting, we covered the basics, then he told me I could cure my ADHD and get off medication, with the help of Neurofeedback. I WAS SOLD! I hate taking pills and couldn't wait to be rid of them. Our next meeting would be the start of Neurofeedback mapping. Unfortunately, life reared it's ugly head, and I wasn't going to have the funds to pay for the Neurfeedback. I would be able to afford it in the future, just not at the time of our appointment. I called the office, told them of the change, and kept the appointment, just a talk session this time. During our session, I became emotional, and questioning my mind, before ADD medicine had made me feel normal. Dr. Ellis, didn't have much to say, I was handed a form; 34 Strategies to Improve your Attention Span. I was also given a handmade relaxing stone, and told that this therapy had been around for 3,000 years. Dr. Ellis asked me if I wanted to continue therapy with him or the councilor in his office. I told him, whatever worked for him. He says: good I will hand you off to the councilor for the emotional stuff. I felt worse than when I arrived. Not only did I feel like Dr. Ellis wasn't interested in my emotional welfare, I was being passed off to a subordinate for the "emotional stuff". I also felt like, if I had been able to afford the Neurofeedback, I wouldn't have been so easily discarded. My finial thought; Dr. Ellis seems to be interested in money, more so than talk therapy. He also has a habit of lying, telling me he is the only Neurofeedback specialist in this area. When I researched this bit on info, I found many phycologist in this area that do Neurofeedback, and at a lower rate. HMMM!?!
by mrsnewcomertoyou
January 07, 2016