Tagged as Workplace Wellness

By Bucky Marcus-The process or science of proper work place ergonomics involves setting up a workplace in order to benefit a person’s functional health and productivity. This is done using specific ergonomic designs that prevent the use of the same muscles over and over again. Since the repetitive use of the same muscles can cause strain and injury, avoidance of that allows for an improvement in functionality...
November 12, 2009
It is well known that traveling puts added stress on our immune system. Sitting in a cramped airplane, breathing recycled air, sharing a bathroom with 250 strangers, and eating prepared foods with questionable nutritional value; it’s not surprising so many travelers have their immune system fail, and they get sick. There are precautions you can take to boost your immune system during a flight so you...
November 3, 2009
We’ve all been there. You are on the plane and suddenly you get the chills. By the time you get to that big meeting, your heading is pounding, you’re sniffling, and you hope that you don’t cough all over the big contract that you are supposed to sign. Ready, set, don’t sneeze. You wonder how you got sick so quickly considering that you felt fine 24 hours ago. Easy! Your immune system is down. Imagine...
November 3, 2009
By Lane Romero Reiss - If you are a frequent traveler than you may be familiar with the term, DVT. This stands for Deep Vein Thrombosis. If you don’t know what that means, it’s time you learned, because what you don’t know could literally kill you. Did that get your attention? Good. Because today you’re going to learn what you can do to prevent DVT. What is a Deep Vein Thrombosis? - A thrombosis is...
November 3, 2009
Jet Lag! What is it and why do I suffer from it? How do i remedy it? Jet Lag occurs when we cross time zones. It has been studied that for every time zone crossed, it takes one day to recover. That is a long recovery rate, especially for the world business traveler. Let’s start by defining what causes Jet Lag, so we understand why it happens. Jet Lag occurs because there is an interruption in the Limbic...
November 3, 2009
You've finally arrived at your destination, and are in the cab on your way to the hotel. You have a few hours before that big meeting that youve flown half-way across the world for. Your body is aching for sleep after crossing 5 different time zones. A nap just sounds like the ticket! Yet it is too early in the afternoon too feel so tired. Why do you feel tired? Unfortunatley you have Jet Lag. No matter...
November 3, 2009
For those avid business travelers, it is difficult to maintain a routine lifestyle. Long hours driving, short stints in various cities, then back on the road for more hours of driving. It is difficult enough to maintain a lifestyle in which your meals are routine, let alone having a regular workout schedule. Yet compromising fitness is not something a business traveler can afford to do. Working out...
November 3, 2009
By Renee Woods - When you travel over seas, it is often quite a different experience. You have a new culture which means different food. In addition, the food is often something we are not familiar with, so a good suggestion is to research the cultures before leaving and you may be able to find good healthy food that you like. In the case of not being sure of the food at the travel destination, pack...
November 3, 2009
Traveling as a part of the work schedule can have many ramifications concerning eating healthy. Most business travelers complain of weight gain as a side effect of their job description. Others contend that they have developed digestive issues among other health related matters because they simply cannot eat healthy on the road. Most reasons for the lack of healthy food choices while traveling are...
November 3, 2009
By Renee Woods - Let’s talk about traveling for business in the United States and how to make better, more healthy, and more cost effective choices. Your health is your well being, so when you are traveling it is important to feed your body what it needs to function properly. As you probably have experienced while sitting on the plane listening to your stomach growl, the food is not very good, it is...
November 3, 2009