Tagged as Workplace Wellness

By Bucky Marcus - Results of a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (JOEM) conclude that workers’ poor health is costing U.S. employers more than they realize by creating an impact on profitability and undercutting productivity of the nation as a whole. The study, entitled “Health and Productivity as a Business Strategy,” was a coordinated research effort by the...
November 3, 2009
It has been a tough year for the United States. The financial recessions set off tidal waves of crisis, one crashing into the next. We have been faced with a recession which started with the collapse of the financial industry. That then led to the crumbling of the housing market, increasing unemployment, and creating larger than ever state deficits, leaving many states near bankruptcy. Yet preventive...
November 3, 2009
With the inter-connected global economy, it seems that the corporate world is in a never-ending stress race to see who can get more done quickly and efficiently. This puts extensive strain on employees, who are the backbone of many projects. Therefore this race mentality is transferred straight to their cubicles. Yet is this constant pressure day-in and day-out more harmful or helpful to the company...
November 3, 2009
By Bucky Marcus - In early April, 2009, Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), along with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), and Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), reintroduced legislation called the Healthy Workforce Act to joint members of Congress. They were seizing an opportunity to make wellness and prevention of disease a part of the overall discussion on health reform. Their bill...
November 3, 2009
"Bless you," you might say as you once again hear one of your employees having a sneeze fest in their cubicle. While you appreciate their persistence in coming to work, you wonder if they should have stayed home. You would rather not have your own health or immune system compromised at work. With the big meeting at the end of the week, you hope that their germs don't decide to take your immune system...
November 3, 2009
Ideally, a company has a culture of being is a well-oiled machine yes? All parts are in perfect engagement; with each portion running as smoothly and efficiently as possible, in order to produce the best possible results. Unfortunately, such efficient culture is difficult to create. Since most machines use power and energy, and release heat, it is almost impossible to find a machine that is 100% successful....
November 3, 2009
Workplace Life can have negative effects on both employer and employees overall health. Workplace Wellness would like to provide for you a host of resources to help improve your overall physical health. We will dive into helpful tips, tricks and resources that include some of the following: - Health Care - Packing a Healthy Lunch - Vending Machines - The No-Workout Workout - Employee & Employer Tips,...
November 2, 2009
Known to many as the silent killer, heart disease is lurking in every office in America. While focus is sometimes put on a healthy diet, or exercise, and while the intention to change to a healthier lifestyle is often apparent in many individuals, the actual follow through is poor. During the poor follow through is when heart disease strikes. Over a million people die annually due to some form of heart...
November 2, 2009
Many of us today choose to live in the suburbs, far away from the cities. Yet, the urban sprawl has gotten so out of hand that living within the city limits may still mean a commute of over a half hour each way to your place of employment. You are the new road warriors, commuters who can easily tack an additional hour or two onto their work day just in travel time, and those extra travel hours can...
November 2, 2009
Traveling can be hard on anyone.  Being on the road throws off your day-to-day routine, puts you in unfamiliar sleeping situations, food intake is not what it usually is, and your regular workouts are affected.  All of these factors can cause major stress  to your system.  If you system is stressed  on the road, how are you going to show up fresh for that big meeting? - The following items are essential...
November 2, 2009