Tagged as brain

Admit it, ladies. You’ve always known you were superheroes. The only difference is, now you may be able to back it up with scientific evidence. Over the years, studies have shown that there are some brain differences between men and women, and not just structurally, but also in the way they act and think. The conclusion of the most recent study is that women may actually have more active brains than...
August 13, 2017
Chocolate. Something about the decadent aroma and smooth, sweet taste stimulates us and makes us feel better no matter what the day seems to be throwing at us. PMS? Chocolate. Bad day? Chocolate. Well, guess what? Now there’s an even bigger reason to dip into the delight, especially the decadent dark stuff. An Ounce of Chocolate A Day... Italian researchers now believe your daily “dose” of chocolate...
July 20, 2017
The diaphragm is the second most important muscle in the body, second only to the heart. Yet the average person's diaphragm muscle is working at far less than 100% of its ability. Because the diaphragm is the pump that determines how much oxygen comes into our systems, anything less than 100% of normal function of this vital muscle means less oxygen to our brains as well as all our muscles and internal...
October 5, 2007