Tagged as brain

Even for those who do not suffer a mood disorder, some decline in mood can occur during colder weather, during longer nights and sometimes when we set our clocks ahead and back. Feelings of sadness, hopelessness or anxiety may manifest, along with disruptions in sleep, leaving one fatigued and irritable. Limited exposure to sunshine can produce depressive symptoms by disrupting our circadian rhythms....
December 21, 2021
Like other systems in your body, the better you maintain your brain, the more efficiently it’s going to run. Your - cognitive reserve - , or your brain’s ability to problem-solve and adapt around complex issues, can decline over time. Brain games and crossword puzzles might help, but you’ll need more than mental exercises to keep your reserves at their best. Good diet and proper exercise are vital...
November 3, 2020
Sugar can be downright divine. Just thinking about all the sinful, sticky, gooey possibilities can get our mouths watering. Humans and animals alike are -programmed- to love the sweet stuff, but too much of it may trigger a nasty spiral that can be difficult to escape. Excessive sugar consumption can cause changes to the brain similar to those caused by drug addiction, leading to cravings, binges and...
July 1, 2020
It’s the latest craze among the burned out and overwhelmed, with numerous headlines praising its benefits. The idea behind it seems sound: unplug and take some quiet time to counterbalance all that stimulation and instant gratification we’ve been programmed to seek out. But does a “dopamine fast” really reset your brain? - What Is a Dopamine Fast? - The “-dopamine fast-” started in San Francisco and...
June 24, 2020
Are you drinking enough water? Dehydration can have -serious effects- on a person, affecting multiple systems in the body. But the long-term effects it can have on the brain are particularly scary. Research has shown dehydration can cause impaired performance, depressed mood, memory problems and structural changes to the brain that can be visualized on an fMRI. Over time, those changes, which include...
May 13, 2020
Being creative is more than just fun; it’s actually good for us. Creativity might feel a little different for everyone, but its effects are universal. Being creative can make you happier and more productive, expanding your horizons and possibly even restructuring your brain. It may also be especially beneficial for the mental wellbeing of young people. Let's look at the benefits. Creativity Makes Us...
April 23, 2020
Ever think back on a rash decision and wonder what the heck you were thinking? Everyone succumbs to an impulsive move now and then, some more than others, but the question is, why? Whether it's the impulsive move to eat that whole piece of cake or the decision to skip work and go get some sun, impulsive behavior all stems from the brain. And maybe if we can understand it, we can control it. Everyone...
March 18, 2020
Reading a good book can provide entertainment and relaxation, but it also turns out that it can be good for the brain, too. Reading changes the way we visualize and process information, ranging from identifying important facts to allowing us to better recognize people's faces. Since -reading is relatively new- in the grand scheme of things, with humans only inventing the act a few thousand years ago,...
March 11, 2020
According to new research published in -Nature Neuroscience. Researchers- looked specifically at differences between human brains and monkey brains to discover a remarkable difference. No matter what disagreements exist about taste in music, lovers of rap and appreciators of classical all have something in common: most of us enjoy the sound of music in our ears. This appears to be a human experience...
July 8, 2019
Those of us who have been marked by the scars of emotional and physical abuse in childhood or as adults know how deep the trauma can penetrate. Our bodies heal, we grow and we cast off many of the superficial appearances that marked us as victims, but the emotional aftershocks remain long afterwards. Since the early days of psychiatry, we’ve known that abuse can put sufferers at risk of depression,...
July 26, 2018