Who's Against Vaccines?--It's Not Just Crazy Moms! Comments

Vaccines would not have been necessary if we hadn't imported all those foreign bugs.They are a poison that can correct very small changes yet impotent against the Worlds Diseases.Vaccines are a made up excuse to promote modern day medicine and the Big Pharma is the only Winner in this scenario.
Posted by robert
are we to trust this government with our children look what the pharmicuticals produce to put a bandaid on sickness more and more health problems more law suits than you can shake a stick at and our government sleeps with these DRUG makers to approve of their drugs that kill and makes so many side effects that the warning on the label is like a short story
Posted by my 2 cents
Thank You Fred for this article! I agree with you on it. I wish more is done in getting them to reveal what is in the vaccines.
Posted by Nash
I clicked on this post thinking there would be some info...details...results...analysis...NONE. Just some sort of "not everyone who says there are people after them are paranoid."

Bottom line? There is not a single drug ever created/discovered that didn't injure someone who took it. ALL DRUGS CAUSE NEGATIVE REACTIONS IN SOME PEOPLE. Peanuts kill some kids....ban peanut butter?

ABSOLUTE BOTTOM LINE......Vaccines have saved HUNDREDS of millions. BUT...have killed/maimed some. SMALL PRICE FOR SO MUCH SUCESS.
Posted by Kris Murphy
There are now 97 published reports, in peer-reviewed journals, that demonstrate the problems with vaccine. the link is here:


Educate yourselves -
Posted by Veronica
I, in fact, believe that everyone SHOULD be vaccinated and if you're not and I become ill with a preventable disease due to your failure as a human being to protect yourself and everyone surrounding you, I should be able to sue you and your family for the damages. In fact if you're so careless to not even consider that perhaps we should take some bad for the overall good of everyone? Like perhaps our parents who bare the scars of the polio vaccination? Without their "harm" to themselves, YOU and I would have SUFFERED with polio. Seriously. Have you not heard? Polio is a real thing. There are numerous reasons to vaccinate, and any excuse you are coming up with is just that, an EXCUSE. There is NO scientific evidence that shows that giving out vaccines kill more or harm more people than getting the actual diseases themselves. Tell me, if vaccines don't work, and if they are "so terrible" for you, then SHOW me that proof. I have PROOF for you that vaccines DO in FACT WORK: Polio. Look it up if you don't believe me. Look up the staggering numbers of children who died or became paralyzed from polio, and how after the polio vaccine was administered to the general public as widespread vaccination effort. Then tell me how many children came down with polio after that. THAT is your PROOF. Please, don't send me these emails about your anti-vaccination propaganda that is just a bunch of very bad "information". It's false information and I honestly wish I could sue you for spreading lies and false information as something that is "true", when it is in fact, untrue. Science. Statistic analysis. Common Sense. All would tell you, vaccinate yourself, vaccinate your children. Do it because it's the right thing to do.
Posted by nodebateVACCINATE
I agree, there is media coverage presenting only one side of this issue. Also true, the objections are not necessarily about the concept of vaccinating, but rather about transparency regarding what is in the vaccine and how many are given. I recently discovered that a child over four years old, vaccinated on a recommended schedule was given over 40 immunizations since birth. A little extreme by comparison to what was recommended 25-30 years ago. Most of the population would willingly entertain the possibility that there could be some profiteering involved. We do need substance for the debate.
Posted by lisa
Thank you for posting this article. We need more voices that support individuals' right to choose.
Posted by Maria
I am very concerned about the tone if your piece. There is not a conspiracy .d when people do not get their children vaccinated against diseases that are potentially fatal to children and immunocompromised people they are acting irresponsibly. They also put those vulnerable who cannot be vaccinated at risk. Pregnant women who are not vaccinated themselves and are exposed to measles put their fetuses at risk for blindness. Are parents willing to go into a 21 day quarantine with their children should they get exposed. That is what it takes. I had the measles as a child and it was no picnic. The secondary infection to measles is a bronchial infection or pneumonia.
Now I am dealing with a disease for which I have had a stem cell transplant and have lost all of my childhood immunity. Without herd protection my life is at risk. I resent the ideological response to vaccines. Of course parents should know if their child's immunity is such that they should not be vaccinated and they should consider the consequences of not doing so.
Posted by Kathryn
Shame on you for praying on those who are vulnerable.
Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram
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