Posts by RachelFleischma

Stretch and Get Happy! My Favorite Stretch: Contraction and Expansion Try this now! I love this! Contraction and Expansion 1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Ground the feet, root them in the earth. Bend your knees a touch. Lengthen your spine and imagine a horse tail at your sacrum, pulling down the base of the spine. Imagine a string from the top of your head down through your perineum connecting...
2/26/2009 9:00:23 PM
My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I try never to go there alone." ~Ann Lamont; author Depression stinks. No doubt about it. Having treated dozens of individuals with depression over the years, while reading countless books on the treatment of this "noonday demon", I still believe that the number one factor that really enables me to get to the heart of this malady is my firsthand experience with it....
2/26/2009 8:59:15 PM