Everyone has a number, even you! That is a number that equals how much weight one wants to loose. My number was 22.5. With effort and determination, I was able to change that number to 10.2 (pounds that is). Don't think you are overweight and that you should be ok? Regardless where you may be, you should have your BMI checked. The best time of the day to weigh yourself is right away in the morning....
3/31/2009 8:01:17 AM
Where do you draw the line with your health? Do you aim to Win, Loose or Draw? Win, Loose, or Draw could be thought of as Win, Loose or Drag! Drag as in Dragging your weight around with you until you choose to Win! Really, nobody likes to loose, do they? If you've been struggling, wanting, dreaming and somewhat dieing to loose weight, then I have one question for you - Why Not Now? After all ,what...
3/24/2009 10:50:40 AM
Ok, You've been reading, thinking and wondering. You want to do something and you know you should. What should you do? Start putting demands on yourself now! Excuses are nothing more than the "why nots" in keeping you from doing what you know what you should be doing. So, instead of asking yourself why not, or why bother, you should be asking yourself, why should I? If you have something or know of...
3/11/2009 3:21:22 PM
Continuing from the previous post on Motivation......After you get going and when you start seeing results, the results becomes your fuel or motivation to keep going. As I was writing this post, my weight has dropped to 175.2 pounds down from 187.7. I started my weight loss efforts near the end of December 2008. To see the full post, see my blog at (Same Post title as above)
3/4/2009 3:24:44 PM
This is a topic that effects nearly everyone in some way or another including myself. Motivation is the fire that gets one into action no matter the subject. Without motivation, nothing happens. There can be more to Motivation than just the word: M..Making the decision to get started O..On going lifestyle / not a diet T..Training or some exercise, helps burn fat I..Invest in yourself for a healthier...
2/25/2009 4:06:20 PM
My wife and I have been bouncing back and fourth with our weight loss efforts. This has been true up until near the end of December 2008. Something clicked this time or at least we appear to be more focused and determined then ever before. Our goals are similar but different but our determination is the same. As I mentioned, something has clicked this time. We seem to be having better success this...
2/18/2009 3:10:32 PM