Posts by Wellness Editor

Think VapoRub is just for cold and flu season? You can do more with VapoRub than you think. That little jar gathering dust in your bathroom cabinet may have more uses than you know about. We’ve uncovered 5 clever things you can do with it.Use it to make invigorating shower bombs, or try it as an analgesic rub, antiseptic, insect repellant or toenail fungus treatment. Get the details below...The BasicsVapoRub...
10/7/2020 7:00:00 AM
Based on infection and mortality numbers, many people are (rightfully) concerned about contracting COVID-19 and living through the experience. But a growing number of survivors are proving there may be more to worry about than just survival as they are now facing long-term challenges. A condition called post-viral syndrome has many health professionals concerned. Here's what that looks like.What is...
10/7/2020 7:00:00 AM
We make decisions under the belief that we've weighed all of the risks and benefits carefully, but our judgments aren’t always as sound as we think. We misjudge the level of risk we’re taking all the time, especially when we’re under stress or don’t have enough information. One reason for these mistakes could be a set of thinking errors called cognitive distortions. Here's why this happens. Risk and...
10/6/2020 7:09:58 PM
COVID-19 gets the door prize for infection with the most surprises. It seems no matter how many answers experts find, the questions keep piling up, but we may have finally turned the corner. New research is shedding greater light on the reasons some people get so much sicker than others, and that could mean good news for future treatment options. What are “Bradykinin Storms”? One reason COVID-19 is...
10/5/2020 5:13:31 PM
Spices change the flavor profile of foods, making them aromatic and bringing them to life. Without spices our favorite dishes wouldn't even resemble the tastes we love. But many don't realize that when they add spices, they do more than alter the flavor profile. They may even be altering the purpose of that food. Spices may even help us live healthier lives. Garlic Adds Zest and a Wealth Of Nutrition...
10/5/2020 4:12:12 PM
Difficult times can call for desperate measures—and the pandemic is definitely a difficult time, so coping with the pandemic can call for desperate measures. Sometimes it feels like we’ve all slipped through the looking-glass, and while some of us are handling these challenges well, others are struggling—and who is which might switch at any time.All that’s missing is the Mad Hatter offering a spot...
10/5/2020 7:00:00 AM
The CDC recently modified its COVID-19 testing recommendations, guiding people to get screened after possible exposure regardless of whether they have any symptoms of the virus. And now the president and first lady have tested positive with likely many more in their circle to follow. So are the tests accurate enough to trust? Viral Tests The CDC lists two types of tests people might take if they want...
10/2/2020 4:37:11 PM
Silent hypoxia is an unusual manifestation of hypoxia, low oxygen saturation throughout the body, and it's been revealed as a symptom of COVID-19. Silent hypoxia happens when, for reasons still under examination, the normal cues that tell the body its oxygen levels are low don’t register. This can lead to people having dangerously low oxygen levels and no idea anything is wrong, which can turn deadly...
10/2/2020 7:00:00 AM
Depending on the wavelength, light has the power to heal or destroy. Our eyes depend on light to function, but we often forget the wide range of effects light can have on long term eye function. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to our understanding of these impacts, but new studies could offer hope for people who’ve suffered certain types of visual decline. The Role of Light on...
10/1/2020 5:20:33 PM
All fats are not created equal. Even in the human body, different types of fats work in different ways. Researchers have understood the role of brown fat in energy metabolism for some time, but they’ve hit a few hurdles trying to figure out how to use the information to our benefit. A new breakthrough could change that, allowing more people to use brown fat to trigger weight loss and improve metabolic...
10/1/2020 4:32:51 PM