Posts by Jenn Ryan

A recent report published by the World Cancer Research Fund found that even a small drink every day increases your breast cancer risk.This comes as some discouraging news for women who enjoy a beer, a glass of wine, or the occasional shot of hard liquor. Although alcohol has long been associated with an increased risk for certain types of cancers, this new evidence shows just how much alcohol affects...
10/2/2024 4:00:00 AM
Many of us are swayed by advertising. Commercials that show happy cows in a pasture, a package of beef that says “free-range” or “grass-fed”or “organically-raised:” it seems easy to make the right choices at the supermarket. We as consumers are convinced we know how to tell good food from bad food, best practices from worst practices, and healthy nutrition from the stuff that just mimics it. But is...
4/25/2024 4:00:00 AM
While some people have the notion that food intolerances don’t really exist, I’d like to beg to differ. People can have reactions to foods that their bodies have trouble tolerating, as well as mild to severe allergic reactions to foods, some of which can be life threatening.Before I found out I had a gluten intolerance, I couldn’t walk, I had an irregular heartbeat, and my immune system was basically...
7/30/2023 4:00:00 AM
It seems like every time my fiancé and I are at the grocery store, we happen to walk past aisles that sells loaves of bread for 99 cents or a huge bag of chips for a couple dollars. We gawk at these prices—how could anything so cheap ever be healthy? Isn’t good food more expensive? A study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in 2013 shows that eating healthier foods cost, on average, $1.56...
1/31/2023 5:00:00 AM
Conventional “beauty” products are filled with chemicals, fake fragrances (aka more chemicals), dyes, and harmful agents such as aluminum, which can increase your risk for cancer. Not to mention nearly every single one of these products has been tested on animals. These products have been marketed not only to make you think that you need them, but also to make you think that they’re beneficial for...
1/19/2023 5:00:00 AM
Many people flock to coffee shops to grab a steaming hot cup of their favorite coffee. While coffee has some benefits, it can also provide loads upon loads of too much caffeine, weird chemicals, and worst of all, bad breath and stained teeth! Tea is much more customizable and beneficial. What are the perks of being a tea drinker?Antioxidant BenefitsWhile coffee has antioxidants, tea is a richer and...
8/20/2022 4:00:00 AM
Caffeine is insanely popular. It’s a magical drug that can help you feel awake when you’re not actually. It increases your heart rate and blood pressure. It increases circulation to your brain, therefore prompting studies that show coffee can help prevent cognitive decline and increase concentration. It can even induce panic attacks, but you know, that’s another story.Here are some of the top four...
7/16/2022 4:00:00 AM
If you haven’t heard of kombucha, get your wow face on! It’s a fermented tea that’s loaded with probiotics, a tangy great taste, and can be sweetened with fruits or combined with other superfoods such as algae to have even more health benefits. Because the kombucha is fermented, it’s carbonated so it has that fizziness you love just like soda.Here’s why you replace soda with kombucha.It’s Healthier!We...
11/15/2021 9:00:00 AM
Calendula flowers are these gorgeous yellow flowers that are commonly referred to as marigolds. In truth, calendula flowers are a different species of marigold, but they still have that bright yellow-orange color and are easy to grow.Many of us have seen marigold flowers before—but few of us have used them. Calendula is an excellent healer and its bright yellow color just can’t help but make you smile....
10/18/2021 8:00:00 AM
You may have heard of or seen the popular exercise ball (or yoga ball) in place of a desk chair at your office, supervisor’s office, or even at a friend’s home desk. This is no ordinary trend! While yoga balls are great for different exercises, stretches, and poses, they also provide some great benefits in your work environment. Why should you swap your office chair for a yoga ball?1. Work Those Muscles!When...
8/8/2021 4:00:00 AM