Posts by Jenn Ryan

Divorce rates have declined, but the statistics are still startling. An estimated 39 percent of marriages will end in divorce in the United States.This number seems high to me on one end. I know a startling amount of young people already going through a divorce. On the other hand, it seems normal. I know many more people that are married and have stayed married throughout the years--for better or for...
5/27/2020 7:00:00 AM
I work from home on a daily basis (yes, before COVID-19). My husband and I are both lucky enough not to have standard 9-5 office jobs, but he does work three to four days a week outside of our home. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, my husband and I now both work from home.Before, I used to say I didn’t want him to go to work and that I wanted him to stay home with me. Now, I've got what I wished for.I...
4/7/2020 7:00:00 AM
It’s time to get real about what bras really do for our breasts rather than support them.As a long-time lover of cute, sexy, and supportive bras, I’ve recently discovered that bras aren’t doing much for us—and are perhaps even harming us—outside of covering our nipples, keeping our girls in uniform shape, and looking sexy during sexy time.The question as to whether or not bras raise our risk for breast...
10/10/2019 7:00:00 AM
Their deep, saturated red will make you sweat. Their thick stems are seductively plump. Their green, leafy tops are vibrant and tasty. What vegetable could we possibly be talking about?The beetBeets certainly don’t have a rep as the sexiest of all vegetables, but when you take their health benefits into account, they begin to look more and more attractive.These root vegetables have been around for...
9/9/2019 7:00:00 AM
I have to be honest here—I have never smoked anything. Ever.Nor have I ever “vaped.” When vaping become increasingly popular after its inception in 2003, I wasn’t convinced e-cigarettes were any better than cigarettes, despite people saying that they were.Unfortunately, adults and kids alike are often under the impression that vaping is a healthier version of smoking cigarettes. However, this harmful...
1/28/2019 10:00:00 PM
Admittedly, I’ve been thinking of my own death for a long time, since I was a teenager. I knew then that one day, perhaps one day soon, I would die.Today, I’m more conscious of my impending death than many people my age, especially when it comes to being buried. I’ve never wanted to be buried. I hate the idea of being pumped full of chemicals, trapped in a box, and left to poison the earth while I...
5/14/2018 7:00:00 AM
Both supporters and non-supporters of animal testing have valid arguments. Proponents of animal testing say animal research has provided valuable medical advancements. People against animal testing say it’s actually hindered our research.When I first learned about animal testing several years ago, I uncovered page after page of misinformation about these experiments—from both sides of the argument....
1/15/2018 8:00:00 AM
Stress is terrible for your body.Although short-term stress can have its benefits (think running from a tiger), long-term stress can cause untold damage on the body. Our bodies were not meant to experience chronic stress.What is chronic stress? Chronic stress is essentially prolonged stress that excludes daily stressors that people can normally handle and instead turns into something more serious....
8/22/2017 7:00:00 AM
We’ve been hearing the word minimalism a lot these days. What you don’t often hear is its counterpart: materialism.Materialism is essentially placing an undue importance on objects. Many people who are materialistic find comfort in material things rather than in themselves. Materialism isn’t only bad for your wallet, it turns out—research shows it could affect your mental health, too.It’s been shown...
8/22/2017 7:00:00 AM
I have to be honest: I’ve never been a fan of football.Actually, I’m just not a fan of sports in general. It’s just never been a passion of mine. I’m deathly bored by sports games on TV. I played soccer on a team for a season when I was 13, and that was just because all my friends were on the team.Thank God I ended up with a fellow non-sports fan for a fiance, am I right?People who dislike football...
8/22/2017 7:00:00 AM