(this is not a rating on their establishment, just my review of how my pet was treated. My comments do not represent any other individuals other than my own)
I have been taking my pet to this clinic for over a year now. I thought I was doing the right thing. He had a lump on his chest, rather small to begin with. I took him to this vet, and was told that by looking at it, this was a fatty deposit. I took the word of the vet. With in the next couple of months the lump began to grow rapidly and become hard. More than doubled in size. I took him back to have it removed, and was told at the time of removal that it was not malignant. I spent one more year with my baby. Just last week he went from showing no signs of illness to having a giant lump appear around his abdomen. It appeared with in a day, and he became very ill. I took him in, the vet took a blood test and said that all organs were working perfect, and the spleen would be removed, and that it wasn't cancer. In less than a half an hour after surgery started, I recieved a phone call telling me that his body was riddled with cancer and we could put him back together where he would die in pain within 2 days, or let him go on the table. I chose to let him go, i didn't want him to be in pain. He was 9 years old. It bothered me that he died so quick and of cancer which i was told he didn't have. I asked the vet 2 days ago after doing research about fatty deposits and tumors, whether he biopsied the lump (removed a year ago), and he said no he could tell by just looking at it. A year a go i could have started treatment, but i took the word of this vet, and my baby died before his time. Don't let this happen to your pet. Do the research, get a second opinion. Biopsy! don't take the i know what it looks like so that's what it is analysis. I hope this is helpful for others. Thank you.