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While you out checking other women for diseases, you might wanna check yourself. Big Wil is cheating on you. You're not special, he's treating you like he does all his main ladies. He wines and dines you but he's messing around with other women. That's why he chooses to continue working in bars. Remember how you got him Doc..
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She can be a good drinking buddy
Negative Comments: She drinks while on call and has been sued for $75,000 for malpractice
• General Comments: Check Houston county court records 2013 where Dr. Leslie Gayle Tidwell has gone under oath and testify that she drinks everyday while on call 24 hrs 7 days a week and none of the local doctors will cover for her while she delivering babies at Houston Medical Centers hospital in Warner Robins, GA . Court records will also show that she testify that she is on Anxiety and Depression medication and tried to terminate her ex-boyfriend's life on the highway as well a diary written by her to terminate her life. It's public information, check it out for yourself.
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Leslie Tidwell was an amazing Dr. to me and my daughter. I would go back to her in a heart beat. She was very nice and very respectable. I've heard a lot of bad rumors spread about her since I had my daughter (most popping up shortly after I had her 3 years ago) I don't believe a single thing I've seen talking about her personal life. Honestly anything bad I've seen sounds like someone just trying to ruin her career. I had a c-section and the scar healed up really well. From what I've seen most women's incision look like compared to mine it's flawless. (If only i hadn't put on so much weight recently. I wish I could find where she is actually practicing now or if she is so I can go back to her.
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She is a drunk and a weed head she can't take care of her family with two baby daddy's and a shady boyfriend she gave herpes to Segunda Wilson and her mom has it also Janet Tidwell, she need to quit should quit period!
Check Houston county court records 2013 where Dr. Leslie Gayle Tidwell has gone under oath and testify that she drinks everyday while on call 24 hrs 7 days a week and none of the local doctors will cover for her while she delivering babies at Houston Medical Centers hospital in Warner Robins, GA . Court records will also show that she testify that she is on Anxiety and Depression medication and tried to terminate her ex-boyfriend's life on the highway as well a diary written by her to terminate her life. It's public information, check it out for yourself. She was also sued for $75,000 for malpractice and lost.......Use her at your own risk!!!
No one is trying to destroy you everything I'm saying is the truth check it out for yourself.
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Unfortunately, my experience with Dr. Tidwell was NOT a good one. I went in for unexplained vaginal bleeding. This had never happened before and I was very concerned. Dr. Tidwell was RUDE AND UNPROFESSIONAL. She told me it was just abnormal bleeding and asked me, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!" I haven't been back since.
I happen to love them both!! Such energy and great personalities, keep doing what you do and let your haters be your motivators!!! I give you all ten stars!!!
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This is Vincz Pvel, Leslie's ex-husband, I just came across this post that mentions my name. There must be other people who have copies of these very negative photos of you, because I have too much positive activity in my life to concern myself with making you look bad. You seem to be able to do a great job of that without my help. You stated that you were asleep in the photo, as I remember it you were passed out drunk, if you really want to be honest. As far as I know, the bad reviews against you by former patients are genuine because I recall many instances where patients were unhappy with the quality of service that they received. This is an unfortunate consequence to your behavior, but, thankfully, it is no longer my problem. In the future, please keep my name and activities out of your posts. Wishing you much success in your new job.
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Dr. Tidwell needs to sit her old tired raggedy behind down and focus on her career. Quit running the streets with Big Will, take care of dem babies and find yourself a real man. Real advice from a real patient.